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How do you reset the infection stats and the list containing the files detected ("recent malicious files detected (Last 10 files)")?
Welcome to the forums amtote!


I assume you are referring to the stats that disply on the MyWebroot Account console, PC Security for an individual machine under the Scan Information tab.  I do not believe that this can be reset by the user at this time.  All of the logs and stats settings that I can find within the software clear only the computer, not the stats that are displayed on the console.  I have re-installed the software yesterday for other reasons, and those stats on the console remain.


If you have a need to reset the console stats, it would appear that if possible, this needs to be done by a Webroot Mod here, or to have the issue looked at more quickly you can make a request to reset the console stats by Submitting a Trouble Ticket  
@DavidP wrote:

I have re-installed the software yesterday for other reasons, and those stats on the console remain.  

Yes, the same here. I have had dozens reinstallations and this statistic remains there. I see it being convenient to look what and when malwares were defeated by WSA.
What has been said is correct.  It's merely historical data, and there is no method to clear it at this time.  As Pegas said, it's there for reference.
From what I can I can see, isn't this "merely historical data" public information? 
@ wrote:

From what I can I can see, isn't this "merely historical data" public information? 

Sorry if I missed the point of your post but would you be so kind and could elaborate a bit more?
@ wrote:

From what I can I can see, isn't this "merely historical data" public information? 

No, the information you're referring to requires you to sign into your online console to see it.  The online console is protected by a two-factor login system.
The only problem with this historical data being saved could be if a hypothetical person ends up with some kind of malware being to do with for example ladies who forgot to get dressed type could be highly inconvenient when they ask me for help & I see they have been downloading dodgy files - I do feel there should be some way of clearing this just to save embarrassment & even marital fluctuations as ones indiscretions are there for all the period of time that WSA resides on the system even when renewed.


I of course would never have this problem as I am part angel :S but one of my in-laws with WSA was doing some interesting explanations as to files blocked by WSA which were most amusing & he is now in a position where I have power over him as he was unaware that malware blocked was saved in the console 😃
Yikes!  How unfortunate for your in-law!  This is probably a quick, easy suggestion to implement.  If you post the suggestion into the Ideas Exchange, it will start off with at least one kudo, because after reading this and considering it, I'd have to vote for that one myself just out of empathy!  That poor guy - be nice to him.
I'll do that tommorow - Thanks :D
