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I need to shut down protection before shutting down to avoid the blue screen of death. How do I fix?

  • 14 December 2016
  • 22 replies

How can I repair this problem?


22 replies

Hi Jeff,
Welcome to the Webroot Community.
You can shut down protection by right-clicking on the Webroot icon in your taskbar and selecting "Shut down protection".
However, protection will automatically be re-enabled on startup.
is Webroot causing the BSOD? If so, how do you know?
Userlevel 7
Hello jeffbrothers, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum.:D
Please try a Uninstall / Reinstall of Webroot.
Please follow the steps closely!
  • Make sure you have a copy of your 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode! Example: SA69-AAAA-A783-DE78-XXXX
  • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a Copy Here (Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE) Let us know if it is the Mac version you need.
  • Uninstall WSA and Reboot
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and do NOT import any settings if offered by the installer as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
Userlevel 3
Yes, webroot IS causing the BSOD. If I shut down protection, I do not get the BSOD. It is consistant.
Userlevel 7
So sorry to hear of the issue you're having, @.

Our Support Team needs to handle this. Please reach out to them directly at your earliest convenience so they can investigate further: Support Number: 1-866-612-4227 M-F 7am?6pm MT
Send us a Support Ticket:
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for getting back to us. I think in this case you should contact Webroot support. This is a free service with your valid subscription.
Support Number: 1-866-612-4227 M-F 7am?6pm MT
Send a Support Ticket:
Please let us know what support has to say, it will help others who may encounter the same issue. ;)
Userlevel 3
Thanks for the effort !  I did the uninstall/reinstall exactly per the directions but to no avail. On the last reboot I got the BSOD again. BTW, it was nice that the reinstall sw remembered my keycode!  I know that if I "Shut down Protection" right before I turn the machine off, I will not get the BSOD so that's what I will do from now on. It's not much of a inconvenience. Thanks again for the help.
Userlevel 7
Hi Jeffbrothers,
I would still send a Support Ticket in to Webroot so your computer will work properly. The Experts could probably look at logs and find out what is causing the BSOD. Support is a Free Service with your Subscription, just a thought. :D
Good call Dave. I also posted this issue in the PUG. 😉
Userlevel 3
@ wrote:
I know that if I "Shut down Protection" right before I turn the machine off, I will not get the BSOD so that's what I will do from now on. It's not much of a inconvenience. Thanks again for the help.
Hi Jeff.
I thought I'd chip in here to say that, personally, if I was encountering a similar problem, I would be very uncomfortable about leaving this problem unresolved and just using a workaround.
Something is not right, something is unstable on your machine, and will not get better but may well get worse. I would definitely send a ticket to Support if I were you (completely free service to licence-holders).
Just my 10 cents worth.
Userlevel 3
Thanks for your concern. How do I send in a report? (noobee)
Userlevel 7
Please try to replicate the error, and then you can send us the log information by downloading and running this .exe file:
When you open/run it, it will ask for your email address. All you need to do is type it and press enter and wait until it's done.
Userlevel 3
Thank you. In process now.
It might be an idea to then send a message to Support telling them you've sent the log (and, of course, explaining the reason why) and, should the email address you cited with your log be a different email address from the one associated with your Webroot account, quote that email address so they can find the log and match it with your Support message.
Userlevel 3
All taken care of
Userlevel 7
Great. I've sent over the logs to our Team.

I'll get back with you tomorrow to let you know what they find.
@ wrote:
Great. I've sent over the logs to our Team.

I'll get back with you tomorrow to let you know what they find.
Woooow!! That is personal service—Webroot-style.
And now it's bedtime for me...0:30 local time.
Userlevel 3
Thanks JP. I agree with Muddy7. Really fast !!!!
Userlevel 7
Not a problem :catlol:
You should have received a response from our Support Team.
Userlevel 3
Thanks for the check back. I did receive a response from Support after sending the examination of my system. Apparently this is a known issue with XP (I know - I know, no abuse please)  They say that it is a problem with ntfs.sys which allows the system to read/write to ntfs drives also related to ntkrpamp.exe, The suggestion was given to search for "how to fix ntfs.sys xp" to find possible solutions. It was also suggested that if that didn't help to address the problem to look into the specific file causing the issue: nykrpamp.exe.  I have not done this as yet, but will. I really appreciate the tenacity of the members of this group to help fix this problem.
@ wrote:
XP (I know - I know, no abuse please)

Join the club! I also still use an XP (as does @ on this forum). It used to be the machine I used the most until I bought a W10 in August. I like XP :D
Fortunately I've never (yet) encountered this XP-related problem.
Userlevel 3
I just did the search. You should be able to see it. It's only one tab to your left! Guess not! There were many hits just reading the first one.
