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ive had webroot for many years and love it but this morning when i logged in a pop up came up saying lastpass has partnered with webroot and it wants me to get started if i x it out it logs off of webroot and i cant retrieve stored websites ??
I get the message and then it takes me to the LastPass website. Says to log in with my Webroot username and password so it can securely import my passwords.

The boxes to fill in read email and password. I enter my Webroot email and password and it tells me invalid username or password. I've tried several times.

I can log into the mywebrootanywhere website just fine with my email and password. The Passwords tab is now gone but there is a box labeled "Password Manager Powered by LastPass". Inside the box it says "Preparing..." with a spinny wheel which has yet to complete, even after refreshing the page.

Hello @Gadgetguru, &@jhallfishin1

Welcome to the Webroot Communty,

I am getting errors when signing into Password Manager using LassPass as well. Please Submit a Support Ticket and they can sort this out for you.

This is what I am showing on the Online Account Console. As you have pointed out is is preparing..

Submit a ticket

Call 1-866-612-4227
Sorry for the trouble with Password Manager. I'll also ping our Forum Administrator @LLiddell to she if she has any input to this problem.
I created a quick update about PWM here.
"...we are in the process of upgrading your password management feature to a premium offering."

I'm not sure what this means. As far as pricing, it always was a premium offering, since the basic anti-malware product didn't contain a password manager, and getting the PWM cost extra money.

In any case, the LastPass PWM appears to be working.

This really is "punting," however. "We're working on fixing it" has become, "We're turning it over to someone else." So, I appear to have the LastPass Free product, if what I'm reading is correct.

Which I could have gotten for, you know, free. Instead of paying extra for it. Am I misreading? I hope so.
Hi ,

i create Lastpass account and immigration

but some times my lastpass can not connect to server and do not open my vault !!

Regards ,

Hi ,

i create Lastpass account and immigration

but some times my lastpass can not connect to server and do not open my vault !!

Regards ,


Hi @durantash I'm not sure what seems to be the problem. If you've successfully migrated to Lastpass from Webroot Password Manager (KB article here) you should be able to access your vault.

If you're still experiencing an issue, I think it's best to talk with our Support team directly.
What does this mean if I'm already a premium user of Last Pass? Do I not have to pay for that subscription any longer since I have a Webroot subscription. Is it now rolled into Webroot?

I had never utilized the Webroot password manager since I had already used Last pass so I'm just trying to figure out if I need to do anything?
"...we are in the process of upgrading your password management feature to a premium offering."

I'm not sure what this means. As far as pricing, it always was a premium offering, since the basic anti-malware product didn't contain a password manager, and getting the PWM cost extra money.

In any case, the LastPass PWM appears to be working.

This really is "punting," however. "We're working on fixing it" has become, "We're turning it over to someone else." So, I appear to have the LastPass Free product, if what I'm reading is correct.Which I could have gotten for, you know, free. Instead of paying extra for it. Am I misreading? I hope so.

My fear is that the silence from Webroot Admin regarding your question would suggest that you are correct (though I sincerely hope not!). However, since I neither use Webroot PWM nor Lastpass, nor do I have inside information on this matter, I cannot say. Maybe someone in the know either from Webroot Admin (@freydrew ? @LLiddell ?) or from the Power Users Group might be able to confirm one way or the other??

I, for one, am most certainly interested in the answer to this question.
Well, most likely what has happened is that it was not possible to fix the Webroot PWM (which was based on a deprecated of the LastPass PWM), and their may be a myriad reasons for that from a technology point of view.

So what to do...Webroot-ize a newer version of LastPass...take time and would certainly cost a goodly deal, and then LastPass made them a better offer...the one that has been published.

In other words, move over to the current LastPass version with a Premium subscription (that is effectively paid for by Webroot as a 'replacement' for the element of the subscription price that Internet Security Plus & Complete users pay for the Webroot PWM).

This is just conjecture on my part...before anyone decides to take issue with the above.

Either way I personally feel that Webroot has done the only sensible thing in the circumstances to resolve the issue. Having said that the news blackout on what was going on has been way less than satisfactory...and I wonder what would have been the harm to actually sharing the future direction with us earlier. I suspect that many users would have bee far more open to it than they might be now.

But again, just conjecture.
So, I appear to have the LastPass Free product, if what I'm reading is correct.

Am I misreading? I hope so.

Maybe someone who knows well Lastpass Free like @ProTruckDriver might be able to let us know whether the Lastpass version that users of Webroot Internet Security Plus and Webroot Internet Security Complete (and users of the business version) are now being offered by Lastpass is equivalent to or greater than the current Lastpass Free version?

From what I'm reading about Webroot's LastPass it's the Premium (Paid) Version of Last Pass Webroot subscribers are getting for Free. If you went on to the Last Pass website and wanted the Premium (Paid) Version it would cost you $3.00 a month.
Thanks, @ProTruckDriver. If you're right, that's good news! Maybe @LLiddell or @freydrew might care to confirm?

(Not free of course. Webroot Internet Security Plus and Complete subscribers are paying extra for this feature. But a good deal if you are right.)
If people bothered to read announcements fully & carefully (like Dave & I have) then there would not be the need for all of these posts on is clear as to what the deal is for Webroot PWM users who transfer, as Dave has stated above. 🤔

Having said that members are free to post/discuss what they like (within the confines of the Community Guidelines) is just frustrating to see posts about the bl@*ding obvious. 😉
If people bothered to read announcements fully & carefully...


I'm not aware of the above announcements answering JBCasier's question (I haven't had time to do a search to see if there are any other Community announcements out there that I may have missed, I don't have the habit of consulting this Forum every day—sticky threads would help greatly).

I thought it was worth following up on his question as no-one seemed to have answered it.

Sorry if I offended anyone in doing that 😟
The question about the nature of the subscription under LastPass has been raised already several times & indeed I have responded specifically at least twice on the subject...based on what I have discovered. But your point about "may have missed" is a valid apologies...I was not trying to single out any one in particular.

But I really do not understand what part of "The Webroot®️️ password management feature has gotten an upgrade!" & "bringing you the new version of Password Manager, powered by LastPass®️️!", does not inform as to what the underlying approach to the subscription.

Seems obvious to me. 🙄
Thanks for the apology, @Baldrick !

Unfortunately, I'm still not clear regarding the answer to my question, and think @jbcasler's post is therefore still valid.

I am looking to start using a Password Manager app and want to know if the new solution that Webroot offers provides something superior to what Lastpass Free does as, as far as I can evaluate from those in the know, the old Webroot PWM didn't (in fact, was apparently inferior to LastPass Free, being an older version of same). If Webroot's new offering doesn't either, then I see no added value in it. If it does, then of course I do.

According to @ProTruckDriver's reply (see above), it does (as far as I know, it is PTD that has the best knowledge among Webroot Community Forum regular posters of the Lastpass Free app so I consider him a pretty reliable source of information on this question). I'm hoping for confirmation from Webroot Community Forum Admin one way or the other regarding this (asked for clarification from them in previous posts in this thread).

[Then, of course, there is the question of how much trust I have in LogMeIn, to whom Lastpass now belongs, seeing the shoddy way they treated XMarks customers, having acquired that company. But that's another question and I don't want to complicate this query too much.]
From my recent investigation LastPass Free, (although that is not what the upgrade is to LastPass Premium as far as I have been informed by LastPass Support) is way more functionally rich than Webroot PWM.

Just have a gander is quite a revelation. And if that does not convince you then I will in future refer to you as (Doubting) Thomas. 😉

On the question of your logic you should abandon the use of WRSA now that Webroot has been taken over by Carbonite, given their past how much will you trust them...that is the question. 🤔
I don't know how much one can rely on customer feedback on the internet. But if we are to judge LogMeIn and Carbonite by such measures, Carbonite come out as pure angels compared to LogMeIn 😆

Btw I'll try and have a look at that LastPass Help Page you refer to when I find time.

I've already got the message from PTD some time ago that LastPass Free is much better than the old Webroot PWM was.
And I can confirm...that my LastPass account that resulted from the transfer from Webroot is showing as 'Account Type' = LastPass Premium User...and I have paid not in the Payment History under my account is BLANK.

So, I think that provides a definitive on this overly long thread. Job done...information provided...when one transfers from Webroot to LastPass via the prescribed method one gets a premium LastPass subscription.

Those who want to remain on LastPass Free can do so...but them they would have to manually transfer their password data out of Webroot and into LastPass using the Export/Import features available in both products.
Looks good!

Can you confirm, @LLiddell (i.e. that the Webroot PWM is now Lastpass Premium as opposed to LastPass Free)?

Good deal if so ☺️
And so...what is you believe I lie or am hallucinating? I am really super offended. 😉
Neither (of course!!)
My passwords didn't transfer form WR/LastPass to LastPass. I logged a ticket with WR, they can't help, and I logged a ticket 4 days ago with LP. Still nothing.
7 days, still no passwords