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Hello All!


This is by no means an urgent or pressing issue, just my curiosity and my desire to know every aspect and functional detail of the things I use, whether it be my computer, smart phone, TV, new gadget, or, in this case, WSA. I have noticed that in the "My Pictures" folder that I have synced to the cloud with Webroot that some of the pictures have a small lock in the corner and some have the green circle with arrows in it. All are correctly backed up and show up in my web console, but I'm just curious, what is the difference between the two icons? I've Googled this question and have searched the forum here but have been unable to find an answer. Many thanks to you all. I'm really learning a lot from you guys. I will try my hardest to pay it forward.;)





The most important people on any forum are those who have exhausted their search options and post a detailed question in public so others can find the answer.


Anyone who can find the the answer to this in the product documentation gets a cookie. I couldn't.
Interesting as I don't use the Back Up & Sync and nothing shows in the Online Helpfile:


But maybe here:


I am probably only going to make things even more confused here....


I do not use the full set of features: I only use the default "Webroot Anywhere" default folder that is created when you initiate the feature.  I use it to store a few certain text files that I like to be able to access from.. well, Anywhere!


The files, and the folder itself, do not have ANY of the markings.  Yes.. it is fully synched: when I edit one of the files the edits are saved and available in the Cloud.




Thanks for the link, but it only describes the difference between the green circle, yellow circle, and x'd-out circle. My file size limit is 100mb (default), but none of my photos are anywhere close to the limit so It's not a size limit issue. I'm still stumped.




While I don't normally use the "Anywhere" folder I went ahead and added both a photo and text file to mine. Both were immediately synced and both displayed the green circle. (insert confused smiley here)


I originally thought the icons had something to do with when the files were added, since most of the icons are locks. But I also have green circles on some files that have been synced since day one. So I don't think it's that. And just for clarification, these locks and circles are in my PC folders, not those in the web console.


Oh well. Like I said, not a big deal, but the locks must mean something, right? :p


ps: ALL of my synced folders show the green circle (synced) but ALL of the photos contained inside them show locks (?). The individual photos that aren't in folders are the ones with either a lock or circle. Go figure.
I'm thinking that the lock might mean that the file is encrypted on the Webroot server. Just a guess.
I'm not sure what the colored and x'd circles mean.

However the locked icon could have something to do with a privacy setting on the file,  an encoded file, or a file that has something that's copyrighted in it.


Example: I can't put Pokemon photos on a site unless I disclaim that Nintendo has rights to them,
@ wrote:

However the locked icon could have something to do with a privacy setting on the file,  an encoded file, or a file that has something that's copyrighted in it.

Good hint, something might be on that.
@ wrote:

I'm not sure what the colored and x'd circles mean.

However the locked icon could have something to do with a privacy setting on the file,  an encoded file, or a file that has something that's copyrighted in it.

Thanks for your input MdofDarkheart and welome to the Webroot Community!

The meaning of the circles are as follows:
Green - file is synched
Yellow - file is in the process of being synched
X - file is unable to be synched (like if file is bigger that configured file size limit)
As for the locks, my files are not encoded or copyrighted but you may be onto something with the security settings. Unfortunately, when I went to test this theory this morning I discovered that I have a problem with my backup & sync. Sync was turned off (not by me) and the list of folders that I had synched (4 folders) was empty. I am unable to turn sync back on again or re-enter folders in the list for backup or sync. When I try I get this error "The operation failed with error code 10. The maximum upload retries for 1 or more files were exceeded." When I try to login through the GUI I get "User name or password invalid" despite being entered correctly. So it looks like when I get home from work tonight I will have to do an uninstall/reinstall to try and correct these issues. If I'm sucessful I will test your theory regarding security settings. When I originally setup the folders for sync I included folders from other users on my PC, including an Admin account (all entered from my standard account). The files with locks may be the ones from that account so you may be right regarding the security settings 😃. I will post back here to let everyone know how it went. If I'm unsucessful I will submit a ticket. Thanks again for your input.

Sorry for the delay on this!


@ is right about the Green, Yellow, and X icons.  


The lock one actually even stumped ME so I'm checking with people smarter than me to get a good answer for you guys. :)


Thanks, Cat.


I read the link to the post from Daniel but I believe he's talking about the lock that appears over the Webroot "W" icon that sits in the bottom right corner of the notification area (next to clock), which indicates that the webpage you're on is protected by the Identity Shield. I'm refering to small lock icons that actually appear in the lower left corner of the photos contained in the "My Pictures" folder on my PC that I've synched to the Webroot cloud. I've just completed a reinstall of WSA and am waiting for all of my files to sync. Once they do I'm going to try syncing files from different users on my PC to see if that makes a difference as to which icon displays - per MDofDarkheart's suggestion that this may be connected to the security settings of the files. Thanks for checking with others about this though. I really appreciate it. I had no idea when I posed the question that this would be such a conundrum. :D


Kind regards,


I'm just trying to state issues that I know have happened to others in the past when they Synced devices.

If my theory is right than I might have just solved a major problem without even trying too.


*blushes abit since I'm feeling embarrassed about who smart my answer sounded now.*
Yeah, @ I actually edited my post after re-reading it. I forgot we have so many locks! Responding too quickly for my own good. That's when you know it's time to call it a day. 🙂
