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I have just added an android mobile to my complete subscription and it's only given me 30 days protection - isn't this part of the complete package ?  If not how much is it for 12months on top of the complete subscription?
Hi gze


Welcome to the Community Forums.


No, the Mobile version is not part of Complete per se. There are in fact a number of Android versions of the Mobile version and whiich version you can use and under what terms is impacted by the version of WSA that you have subscribed to. To check this and make sure that you have downlaoded and installed the approrpiate version plase first review the contents of this KB Article.


Once you have determined you have the version you are entitled to please post back and we can take any further questions from there.


Regards, Baldrick
Thank-you yep says to download mobile complete, which is the one i have installed, and then activated it using the product key from my account/laptop install. On my phone the days left of subscription shows 31 days but on my on-line webconsole/manage keycodes section it shows 355 days remaining for the Android device, which it has assigned it's own keycode
Hi gze


Thanks for the response...sounds like there is a mismatch between your phone and your main subscription. You are sure that you have entered the right keycode in the phone?


If the issue does not correct itself in the very near future I would Open a Support Ticket to get the Support Team to investigate the position in the Cloud.


Regards, Baldrick
