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When I GOOGLE a site that I NEED, and you label it MODERATE RISK, what can I do to safely go there?
In most cases the ones with the Red X will only be blocked.


Indicators displayed with query results

When you run an Internet query such as a Google search, SecureAnywhere shields modify the results display with icons that give you safety information about each website returned as a result of the search. The icon appears to the left of each website name in the list of query results. The table below describes the meaning of each icon.



These are well known sites with strong security practices, and rarely exhibit characteristics that expose you to security risks. There is a very low probability that you will be exposed to malicious links or payloads.

These are benign sites, and rarely exhibit characteristics that expose you to security risks. There is a low probability that you will be exposed to malicious links or payloads.

These are generally benign sites, but have exhibited some characteristics that suggest security risk. There is some probability that you will be exposed to malicious links or payloads.

These are suspicious sites. There is a higher than average probability that you will be exposed to malicious links or payloads.

These are high risk sites. There is a high probability that you will be exposed to malicious links or payloads.




thanx, D
I am a small business owner and noticed that my website is flagged as a moderate risk website. I am trying to figure out why and would love some help/advice. I use GoDaddy as my platform, have only one add which is a Constant Contact form (sign up to newsletter). I am keen to resolve the issue so as not to deter visitors to my site. Thanks in advance.


Hi Nicola,


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


When I check the URL in question with BrightCloud I get the following:



I'm guessing that the fact that this site is relatively new is what's causing the "Moderate Risk" determination.


You can request a URL Reputation Change HERE.


Hope this info helps,


Thank so much BD, I appreciate that. Every day brings a new lesson! I will request the reputation change.


With thanks

You're very welcome, Nicola.


Hope this gets sorted out quickly. Good luck in your endeavors. I browsed your website and your offerings look very interesting. The Arts journey sounds like something I would do. Maybe after I retire I will find the time and money to pursue such a journey. :)


Take care and good luck,


thanks BD that means a great deal! Do you know what I need to put on the form where it says your product/integration? I have put travel business but it doesn;t seem to like that!


Please stay in touch, my email is <email address snipped for reasons of privacy>. We have a super cultural immersion journey to Cuba a Food & Wine Journey to Morocco and a Cultural Immersion Journey to Bhutan all in the works for 2017 :-) 


All the best,

@ wrote:

 Do you know what I need to put on the form where it says your product/integration? ...

I take that to mean your Webroot product, so I think you would put Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete. Please try that. ;)



Sorry BD - this clearly is beyond me :S I keep getting an error message when I submit the form. This is what i am putting on the form - I am sure I am missing somethign glarringly obvious 🙂 Cheers!




@ wrote:

Sorry BD - this clearly is beyond me :S I keep getting an error message when I submit the form. This is what i am putting on the form - I am sure I am missing somethign glarringly obvious 🙂 Cheers!




Well, the more I thought about it the more I realized that putting your Webroot product was probably not right as not all requests come from Webroot users. I will summon our Community Manager @, and see if he can help you out.


Sit tight and he should let us know shortly.




or perhaps @.
Hi Nicola


I have been monitoring this thread with interest and I could not see what you were 'doing wrong' so I decided to take the liberty of trying what you had entered myself and I have managed to make the request for you. The only difference I can see was that I entered, as a product, 'Webroot SceureAnywhere' rather than 'Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete'.


It will be interesting to see what JP says about this as I cannot see why that should make a difference.


I hope that you do not mind me satisfying my curiosity in this may...I was only trying to be helpful.


Regards, Baldrick



nbalmain71 wrote:

Sorry BD - this clearly is beyond me :S I keep getting an error message when I submit the form. This is what i am putting on the form - I am sure I am missing somethign glarringly obvious 🙂 Cheers!








Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Our Web Analysis team has re-analyzed the website and found no security risks, so the reputation has been raised to Trustworthy.

Please allow 24-48 hours at the very latest to see this change reflected on your side.

Our proprietary system uses a machine learning algorithm to determine the reputation of a website, to which the experience of a Web and Threat Analysis team is added when further research on a website is requested. Multiple factors impact the algorithm, which include, among others, the popularity of a website worldwide, its age, any threats found on the IP address hosting the website and on other URLs hosted on the same IP. All these factors combined together assign a reputation to a website, which our software then advises on - but does not block - if the reputation was calculated to be under the preset security threshold. Our webpage contains a form to submit other websites for further review from our Web Analysts, and our FAQ's explaining how our Reputation system works can be found scrolling down to the bottom of the same page.


Thank you,

Webroot BrightCloud Threat Intelligence Support



Please let me know if you have any other issues 🙂
on the contrary! Thrilled to have your assistance Baldrick. Thanks so much, I received my ticket number and hope we can improve our score! I love learning new things but do get somewhat stressed in this arena as I am clueless, luckily we have folks like you and BD to help us "non techy" folks out!


Cheers all, happy Friday!


That's great. Thanks JP for jumping on this. I really appreciate it. Thank you Baldrick for getting it submitted. ;)


You should be good, Nicola. Let us know if you still have trouble after waiting the 24-48 hours for the change. :)


whoo hooo! Thanks so much JP - I so appreciate the super fast turnaround and response!!


Thanks Baldrick and BD for helping me get, what i thought was a mammoth probelm, resolved so quickly. 


Here's to community support! 





Hi Nicola


You are most welcome...but in reality, thinking about it now, it was presumptious of me to do so without first asking you for permission. Glad that it has turned out alright and that you are OK with the action on my part.


Do let us know what BrightCloud come back with and what your score gets bumped up to.


Have a great weekend.


Regards, Baldrick
Great Job guys, Thanks.

you were spot on Baldrick! Reduced my stress levels for the day! And yes, will absolutely know how it all turns out!


Have a great weekend.


@ wrote:

whoo hooo! Thanks so much JP - I so appreciate the super fast turnaround and response!!


Thanks Baldrick and BD for helping me get, what i thought was a mammoth probelm, resolved so quickly. 


Here's to community support! 






My pleasure :cathappy:


We're all here to help, and as @ displayed everything goes so much farther with Teamwork!


Thanks everyone  - I am thrilled to see bright green check marks next to our URL now :D



You guys rock!


Wow! That was quick. Very glad to hear it, Nicola.


Have a nice weekend,:)

