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My computer is running slow and I was thinking of downloading a registry cleaner.  They mention that it will remove malware.  Does any of the registry cleaner software cause problems with my Webroot software?  Are there any that have worked well for other Webroot users?
Hello vid,

Welcome to the Community Forum,


If you want to use a registry cleaner then you really have to be careful not to cripple your Windows OS. My personal opinion is that registry cleaners can cause more harm than good! 


To answer your queestions about Registry Cleaners is they do not conflict with Webroot or cause any problems.


For the average user who does not install/uninstall softeare frequently and has followed good practices when it comes to malware (Thus avoiding infections) If one does choose to use a registry cleaner, I suggest one be very careful... do a lot of research before running one..


Please have a look here on Windows stand of registry cleaners.


Alot of us use ccleaner for our systems. Not many of us use RegistryCleaners per'se.


Have you tried using Webroots System Optimizer? Here is the User Guide explaining this for you.



Hope I was able to help and if you have more questions then let us know!



Hi vid


Welcome to the Community Forums.


Just to add to the good advice that Sherry has provided...CCleaner contains a full Registry cleaner which most find that when run with default settings is fine...however one needs to be careful if adjusting those settings, and I would counsel that you have a back or image of your data/system to hand or as a minimum have created a Restore Point that you can revert to should the cleaning run remove something that is should not have.


Also, you mention that you system is slowing down?  This could be due to a number of other factors such as unwanted/unneeded applications running at/ starting background, etc., so if you have not already I would recommend that you investigate other areas that couls cause slowdown before running Registry Cleaners.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
