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I have two computers running software - but system system stayes only one is.  How do I detemine which one is being protected?
Hi RUKM263


Welcome to the Community Forums.


OK, so you have WSA installed on TWO systems but when you look at the online console (HERE) you only see ONE registered? If that is correct then I would suggest that you run look at the statistics of the last scan run date & time, as logged in the online console (you will have to click the relavant PC icon in the online console to get the details) and then compare that to the last scan date & time on each client.


Alternatively you could run a manual scan on each of your systems, separated by a couple of hours and then checkthe information in the online console.


If my suspicion of what you mean is incorrect then please post back with more specific details on the issue.


Regards, Baldrick

