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Has anyone else had any issues with the newest version update? Since downloading and installing the newest version, my laptop has slowed to a crawl. It has even become difficult to type because the system struggles to keep up with me and lags behind.

I have submitted a support ticket and am just waiting on a reply. All of my scans are coming up negative for anything infecting the system.

Just wondering if this is something isolated to just me.
I'll assume you've rebooted since the update, though please do so if you have not.  After that, temporarily disable the Identity shield and see if that resolves the issue.  If it does not, temporarily shut down the agent completely and see what the results are then.  In either case, the changesshould be temporary.


Let us know the results.
I am still on version I seen someone post new version was .146 but mine hasnt updated on any of my computers.



All of our updates are automatic and your Webroot software should receive the update automatically when it becomes available. Once thing you could try is restarting your computer and then running a scan manually. Then check to see if the version number has changed, you can also try and press the Check for updates button under My Account. If it says you already have the latest updates then your system is ok and working correctly.

Thanks I did try that but no update I will just wait for my turn to get it.
@ wrote:

Thanks I did try that but no update I will just wait for my turn to get it.

Here is a direct download link

if you want it? If so just download it and install over top and then reboot! And I checked the link and it does download .146






You can reinstall the software to force the new update down, but this is an unnecessary step as the program will get the update as soon as it becomes available.


@ wrote:



You can reinstall the software to force the new update down, but this is an unnecessary step as the program will get the update as soon as it becomes available.



Thank you Michael for the info. I did that last time, forced the update on all my computers.

I think I'll wait to see how long it takes to do it automatically this time on my computers. 😉
WOW! When I disabled the identity shield it completely changed the behavior of the system. EVERYTHING has sped back up to the way it used to be! I understand that this is a temporary solution, now what?


(btw, I also disabled the Windows firewall before I read this message, thinking it might help. No joy.) I am just using the firewall that comes in the WSA Complete at this time. Please advise if I should enable the Windows firewall again.)
Hi Danny,


Can you please let me know what version it shows that you have installed when you hover over the Webroot icon in the Taskbar.  Also, do you by chance have any other third-party Firewall installed?




Wait am I missing something here I was under the impression webroot enhances your windows firewall its not a seperate one..


No third party firewalls. I have the windows firewall that came with the original Windows 7. (as a sidenote, I just now received a warning from WSA that I had disabled the Windows firewall and it is strongly recommended that I re-enable it as an added layer of security. It took approximately 10 (?) minutes for this to occur.) I have enabled the Windows firewall again. I have also enabled the Identity Shield. So far, so good. 


To answer Kit's question, yes, I have restarted the computer a few times since I installed this version. It seems to run fine for about 30 minutes or so, then begins to slow down to a crawl.


Thanks for the update.  Please keep an eye on it and reply back to this thread and let us know if you notice any more issues. It is advised that you do keep the Windows Firewall enabled.  The Webroot Firewall serves as a network connection monitor and compliments the features of the Windows Firewall.




After enabling the Identity shield, the system has already begun to slow dramatically since my last post.


Sorry to hear that you are still having the same problem. The Identity Shield is a very important part of the Identity Protection feature that interacts with browsers and other programs that are listed in the protected applications list. Disabling this feature may appear to resolve the issue, but will also dramatically lower your security.  Your case is currently being accessed and you will receive correspondence as soon as the team has completed their assessment.




Thank you for the update Howard. I trust the "brain trust" at Webroot will find a solution just as soon as possible. I have faith in you guys, and know that something will be available soon as a "fix". I will patitently await their findings.
No problem Danny.  We are here to help, provide information and take care of our customers. 


One of the best aspects of SecureAnywhere is our ability  to "fix, resolve" issues for all SecureAnywhere customers very quickly using the cloud. As soon as your case has been updated I'll be sure to post on this thread.


Thanks for your patience,


Just a quick follow-up my webroot complete updated this morning to the new version.
Glad to hear that you received the update :D




Hi Danny,


I just checked your Support ticket and it looks like we had you add the Pure Networks adapter tool to the list of Protected Applications.  Let us know if this resolves the slowdown issue that you were having. 


Thanks again,


Thanks Howard. It never even dawned on me the my router networking program could be the issue. It wasn't an issue in the previous version so I never considered it. 


Thank you ALL for your diligence and quick response to my issue. It really does seem to be working fine at the moment. I'm almost 99.9% sure that this was causing my problems, but it seemed to take about 30-45 minutes for me to start noticing a real "slow down" after rebooting. It's been about 20 minutes now and so far, no issues.


The other thing I need to check is whther or not that was what was causing the "hang" when I tried to shut the system down or reboot.


Thanks a MILLION!


Once again, Webroot has provne itself to be a GREAT decision on my part for my PC security needs. Your customer service is second to none!
I am ecstatic to report that after an hour of successful web browsing and offline work on music programs and photography editors, my system is still functioning PERFECTLY! Thank you to the Webroot support team for all of your efforts! You ALL are the BOMB!
That's great news Danny ! I wouldn't have thought that the adapter would have caused this behavior either. But then again the Firewall is there to protect you. I'm glad you are back up and running.


@ wrote:

@ wrote:



You can reinstall the software to force the new update down, but this is an unnecessary step as the program will get the update as soon as it becomes available.



Thank you Michael for the info. I did that last time, forced the update on all my computers.

I think I'll wait to see how long it takes to do it automatically this time on my computers. ;)

That didn't take long! 😃 Started up the computers early this morning Windows XP and Windows 7 and received the update automatically. All computers are running with no problems. 😃
The Identity Shield is an interesting way to find all the missing traps in third party coding.  XD


So, it "should" never cause a problem.  That depends on everybody else (Thousands of programmers) writing their programs correctly though.  The ID Shield just blocks access to certain Windows functions and interprocess communications in certain circumstances.  A well-written program will always deal properly with this unexpected failure to get the data it wants.  Sadly, there are thousands of badly-written programs out there.  Some will allocate memory prior to a function, then not release it when the function fails.  Others will hold a lock on a file until the function succeeds.


If something is denied access to things it depends on, it may take the whole system to a crawl with it.  If something is protected against everything else, then problems may occur if its normal external communications are blocked to protect it.


As a general rule, you will want to examine your protected applications list on occasion.  If something is slowing down or having an obscure problem, look for things that are set to Deny or non-browsers set to Protect.  Moving either of these cases to Allow if you trust them will often resolve the issue.
I have noticed after making the adjustment to the Identity Shield that was given to me, all of the browser .exe files have moved to the "protect" column.  The browsers started to slow down again, and I moved them to "allow" and that corrected the problem.
