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I am using a PS2 keyboard with the numeric pad on the right side. With numlock ON, you get numbers from the numeric pad. With numlock OFF, you get arrows from the numeric pad.


I always leave the numlock OFF and use the arrow keys on the numeric pad.


If your Identity Shield is turned ON and I am using Chrome, Firefox or IE, the arrows produce numbers even though numlock is OFF. 


If I press the numlock key, the numlock light turns ON and OFF, but the numeric pad always produces numbers instead of arrows -- no matter what the state of the light.  In other words, the Identity Shield code is failing to examine the numlock state of this keyboard when it is examining keystrokes and forwarding them to my browsers.


Unless you guys fix this, I will have to leave the Identity Shield off.


You can try switching the protected keyboard processes from Protect to Allow which leaves some ID shield functionality but disables the keyboard filter that is normally active when the processes are open. Please update the thread with your results.


Open SecureAnywhere>click the Identity & Privacy tab>click View/Edit Protected Applications>switch your external keyboard processes to Allow


This thread just recently came up over here as well.  Support has a workaround to change the default state of numlock.  It involves a registry tweak, which is something one of our technical support engineers can do for you if you open a support case.
Just a quick update for anyone subscribed to this thread: the registry tweak I mentioned is now publicly available here.  🙂
Thanks Jim. We've had this workaround in private for awhile, but I'm happy it's now considered stable enough for public.

Considering the baffling behavior to many customers, I have to admit the fact that the product is designed to work like this is pretty strange to me.
