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Password manager: Unknown Email adress

  • 8 March 2014
  • 1 reply

So I have googled the error & it seems semi-common, and the root of my issue is probably the same thing as I read in another thread:  Not knowing any better, I DLd the Android's free webroot software instead of the Complete version I had just bought at work and activated it.  Afterwords I figured out how to activate it properly & that part is done, but if it's the same problem as what I read, I think my password manager still thinks I'm just a "Android Free" customer.


The symptoms I have that were the same as the other threads I've read are;


I can't get the Chrome webroot plugin to function, it just gives me the error "unknown email adress", despite being able to log in to the main console & use most of the functions w/ the same credentials.  


When I try to visit the password section of the main console page, it's completely blank below the tab, and trying to launch the password manager from my webroot program on the computer does the same thing.


Based on the other threads, I'm assuming it needs something done on "the other side" to get it resolved.  


Is this thread the optimal option or do I need to message support or some such?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Hi Seroster
Welcome to the Community Forums...:D
Very obviously seem to have done your homework/read around the subject from other posts before making your. ;)
From what you are saying I would suspect that you have hit the nail on the head.  A good deal of the functions that reside in the Cloud, i.e., are basically controlled via the Web Console, such as Password Manager, Backup & Sync, etc., are tied to those user credentials and should one register with one, be it trial or even paid version and then buy a license or not renew your original license but rather buy a completely new one, then the functionality needs to be transferred between licenses.
Sounds like this is what has happened in your case, as you have surmised.  So unless our Community Manager, Nic, @ is around and can intervene to correct this in the back end systems then, your best bet is to Open a Support Ticket providing details on both license codes used, the original one and the one that you want things transferred to, plus the email address that you used to create your Web Console, etc., and hopefully they can sort this out for you. :D
Again, well done for doing your homework first. :D
Have a great weekend.
Regards, Baldrick
