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I have just received a Personalised Security Report on both my computers whose scan data bears absolutely no relation to reality. It says that my last scan was on 9 June. Not true! The last scan on my XP was on 10 June (yesterday) and on my Win 7 was today. It says that this supposed scan on 9 June happened at 04:01pm. Again not true! My daily scheduled scan on 9 June completed on my XP at 01:01pm and on my Win 7 at 08:23am. It says the scan took 09:08 minutes. Once again, false!! It took 2mins16secs on my XP and 5h23mins on my Win 7 (the inordinate amount of time taken being because this computer awoke momentarily at 03:00am for a scheduled task, at which time WSA decided to initiate the daily scan, then went back to sleep again, only to continue the scan when I brought the computer out of standby in the morning).


Such a report can only be described as an anti-publicity for Webroot. It gives the impression that Webroot security firm is totally incompetent—which isn't true at all. If I was new to WSA, this kind of information would certainly shake me up and make me seriously consider abandoning the product for another. To put it mildly, whoever wrote the code for this Personalised Security Report needs a serious talking to 😠.
Muddy, obviously I can't fix it, but I AM really curious as to how/why the times are so erratic.  What time zone/part of the the world, do you live in?
Brussels, Paris, Madrid Copenhagen time: UTC/GMT + 1 (+ 2 in Summer time). Which makes it even crazier 'cos we are actually ahead of US time zones. So it can't be that they are quoting a US time zone.


I saw someone over In Wilders Forum complain about this some time ago, and I remember Joe taking it up and so I assumed this had been fixed. But evidently not so...


I'd be interested to hear what statistics other people have had from this Report. Does this Report only sometimes generate meaningless scan data or is it all the time?? It's crazy because it's letting down an excellent product.
As for what data others see, I am quite unable to help: for some odd reason the report has chosen to never show itself to me.  I hope that as tweaks/fixes are made to it that I will indeed begin to recieve it.
Having the same problem yesterday the report popped up on my PC, when I accessed the report the information was not correct???

very strange indeed.
@DavidP1970 wrote:

As for what data others see, I am quite unable to help: for some odd reason the report has chosen to never show itself to me.  I hope that as tweaks/fixes are made to it that I will indeed begin to recieve it.

I have never, EVER, seen this so-called security report on any of the 12 machines I have WSA installed on. I thought it was just a rumour it existed. LOL. 🙂
@ wrote:

@DavidP1970 wrote:

As for what data others see, I am quite unable to help: for some odd reason the report has chosen to never show itself to me.  I hope that as tweaks/fixes are made to it that I will indeed begin to recieve it.

I have never, EVER, seen this so-called security report on any of the 12 machines I have WSA installed on. I thought it was just a rumour it existed. LOL. :)

To be honest, I am glad that I am not the only one who has not seen it.  
One small correction: I've just noticed that the scan duration is not in fact the duration of the last scan but the average scan duration. Sorry for this confusion :8.  I think I'll have to take remedial reading lessons lol.


But you're right, Dave, you're not missing anything.


*Btw my average scan is rather long because sometimes the scan starts at night when a rapid scheduled task momentarily awakes the computer, only to complete when I wake up the computer in the morning.
Well, I would like to be able to see it.  I am hoping as Nic mentioned previously that a setting may be provided to turn it off.  In my case I would expect toggling that off, saving, amd back on will likely work to get it to start working...after which I can take notes about if it is correct or not.


Very much disagree with the trend on this thread...I personally have received the Security Report on average once every 2 months (admit that seems somewhat a strange schedule) but have checked each one and they have always stacked up with what I have seen or investigated thereafter.


Having said all of that I am not denying that this is not the same for other users, but David is I believe correct though when he says that it will know doubt improve as the feature matures...and I would expect that more information is added to the feature as that process occurs.


Regards, Baldrick
@ wrote:

Very much disagree with the trend on this thread...I personally have received the Security Report on average once every 2 months (admit that seems somewhat a strange schedule) but have checked each one and they have always stacked up with what I have seen or investigated thereafter.


Having said all of that I am not denying that this is not the same for other users, but David is I believe correct though when he says that it will know doubt improve as the feature matures...and I would expect that more information is added to the feature as that process occurs.


Regards, Baldrick

Agreed. But that's why it's good this whole thing with the Security Report comes to surface; so the devs can continue improve the product based on the users' experience.
Very much agree, shadek, very much agree...but I suspect that more good will be done by users opening support tickets and giving the Development Team some detailed information.  That said it is still good to discuss the topic, as with all topics, here amongst ourselves too. ;)





I alerted some of the folks here to come take a look at this issue.
Nice move, Nic...much appreciated.





@ wrote:

Very much agree, shadek, very much agree...but I suspect that more good will be done by users opening support tickets and giving the Development Team some detailed information.

Difficult to argue with that one. I've just sent a ticket to support with details. Will keep you informed of what happens. Thanks!



EDIT: And thanks, Nick!
Ok the support escalations team hasn't seen any of these come through their system yet, so please contact support and get a ticket opened.  That way we can get the issue documented and a ticket in to dev if this is an issue that we need to fix on our end.
@ wrote:

I alerted some of the folks here to come take a look at this issue.

I will follow this thread and follow any advice from the devs on how to proceed with the broken feature.
Cheers, Muddy


Please do, and hopefully with Nic's prompting of Webrooters in house we may be able to get some clarity on this very perplexing issue.





Perhaps a WSA urban legend?
@ wrote:


You know, one of those things that somebody's friend had or heard of or experienced but you haven't yourself?


An urban legend, only this time it's the urban legend of the scrambled personalized security report....


Sorry, I can't find the 'i'm trying to be witty' emoticon anywhere to warn folks I'm attempting humor. :womanembarrassed:
Ah, got you know. should try this emoticon :D as I thinkthat it is appropriate...or you can find some from elsewhere on the web and use them instead...





I just got my pop-up of course it's not correct and this is the thrid time since 03/21/2013.



