Hello, I was wondering if anyone could please help?
I am a recent convert to WSAC. I have an issue with firefox I am unable to launch the browser unless I set firefox.exe to allow. As I am new user I was wondering if this is safe?
Many thanks.
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Hey marco,
I have been catching up on this issue and your ticket will be reviewed. Please leave the message as is until it is responded to. Each of your new posts sends the ticket back to the bottom of the queue and flags it as a new ticket.
We will investigate the Firefox and Identity Shield issue and keep this thread updated.
I have been catching up on this issue and your ticket will be reviewed. Please leave the message as is until it is responded to. Each of your new posts sends the ticket back to the bottom of the queue and flags it as a new ticket.
We will investigate the Firefox and Identity Shield issue and keep this thread updated.
OK I don't have Firefox on Win 8 so I can't check for myself but can you please Submit a Support Ticket and support will be able to look into it for you and let us know the out come for it may help other users.
Also,if you aren't familiar with testing tools and regimens,i would refrain from testing on your own.You can totally brick your system if you aren't careful.I have been running WSA on my pc and my wife's for over a year now and not one infection.My wife i would consider a high risk surfer.Myself,i use best practices with pretty much everything.Either way,not one infection in almost a year.That's the best testing i can think of.My subscription is up in 33 days and i will be renewing.I have run many solutions over the years from Norton,Kaspersky,the old Webroot,Spyware Doctor,so i can honestly say WSA is the best solution i have ever used by FAR.I have even tested the 2013 editions of KIS and NIS and have them both on separate images,and i can tell you nothing out there provides the scope of protection,while being as light as a feather on your system,as WSA.I hope you enjoy your WSA exeperience as i have.
Here is the Online Help File and it does state that you need windows firewall as well with WSA's firewall to have full protection as superssjdan was saying! ;)@ wrote:
Yes, I was confused whether WSA had a working/monitoring firewall, or if I had to back it up with Windows or third party firewall.
I just hope support can help resolve the issue with Firefox, as like you I am impressed with WSA.
Hi Daniel. I have settings Maxed out under Advance Settings I did the txt test for some reason it was not caught after saving it. Thanks, after they get the issue fixed I will take up your kind offer and PM you to discuss more Advance settings. Regards, Antonio
Just to say that I have my settings set to the Max and it was detected upon download but Max settings are not for everyone.@ wrote:
Thanks for your assistance TH I have submitted a support ticket.
I hope you don't mind I have another question?
I was testing virus scan using the Eicar Test File. I noticed that Webroot doesn't instantly detect it as a virus. I have tested other popular security suites and they all seem to instantly detect the virus once you save the file.
Also the problem with Win 8 64bit and Firefox ID Shield keeps adding Firefox from a directory that is not there I also tried removing from ID Shield and add it from Program Files(x86)Mozillafirefox.exe and it keeps adding it from a location that nothing is there. :@
OK I just installed Firefox on both Win 8 Pro 32bit & 64bit and I see the issue with Win 8 32bit and Firefox so it's easily reproducible so support will be able to and on Win 8 64bit and running Firefox there is no protection from the Identity Shield so there is definitely an Issue with both versions of Win 8 and Firefox 16.0.2
Hello marco and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.
It will not run under protected under Identity Shield? Can I ask what OS you are running and if it's 32bit or 64bit and version of Firefox?
It will not run under protected under Identity Shield? Can I ask what OS you are running and if it's 32bit or 64bit and version of Firefox?
I have found it works just fine on it's own.That's how confident i am in it.At the moment i am using it with windows firewall while waiting for privatefirewall to be fully windows 8 compatable.My wife has been using windows firewall with WSA since day 1 with no issues.There are a great many firewalls that work really really welll with WSA,but the windows firewall is sufficient.As for another solution to run alongside WSA,if you must,Malwarebytes PRO compliements WSA quite nicely as that has excellent excellent zero day malware protection.I think the going rate for mbam pro is somethinga round 24.95USD and that is for a lifetime license.Also,their forums are a treasure trove of information.Great place to learn from some of the best minds out there.Also,i use admuncher ad blocker as well.Works with all the major browsers..ie,firefox,chrome.Going rate for that is 29.95 for one year,plus it has daily ad list updates,and the devs respond very quickly to any questions you have.
Hello superssjdan, thanks for your insight and help, very much appreciated. I have only been using WSA for a week I am impressed with its speed and how light it is on system resources. Would you suggest backing up WSA with any other security application?
WSA detects threats on execution,hence,just saving an exe or extractable to desktop wont allow it to be detected.If it is not running,it is not a threat.Were you to execute it,it would be instantly detected and removed.
Hi Marco I still have more settings Maxed out under Advance Settings and I did the txt test and it was caught after saving it but like I said Maxed settings are not for everyone as it makes WSA very sensitive and allot more pop-ups that most users don't want to see it's a personal preference of mine but Mike is absolutely right WSA's strong points are on execution. 😉 After they get your issue fixed send me a PM and we can discuss more Advance settings if you like!
SecureAnywhere picks up on malware on execution and will journal any changes a malicious file makes and roll them back if it is determined as "bad".
Thanks Mike will do.
Thanks TH I will take a look at the online help file.
TH, I I have my settings set to the Max and it was not detected.
I copy the string into a text doc saved it to to descktop and WSA doesnt detect it. Whereas Kaspersky, Norton and Bitdefender detected it as soon as I hit save.
Thanks TH I will take a look at the online help file.
TH, I I have my settings set to the Max and it was not detected.
I copy the string into a text doc saved it to to descktop and WSA doesnt detect it. Whereas Kaspersky, Norton and Bitdefender detected it as soon as I hit save.
Thanks for clearing that up.
I didn't get a chance to read the rest of the thread,but have you tried uninstalling WSA rebooting,then reinstalling WSA.May be worth a shot.Just be sure to jot down your activation code first.
i can confirm this also happenng on my win 8 32x pc.when ff is protected it doesnt launch but when allowed its fine?
Yes, I was confused whether WSA had a working/monitoring firewall, or if I had to back it up with Windows or third party firewall.
I just hope support can help resolve the issue with Firefox, as like you I am impressed with WSA.
I just hope support can help resolve the issue with Firefox, as like you I am impressed with WSA.
WSA's firewall is more of a firewall helper in it's truest sense.I never pay any mind to what it says it's monitoring to be perfectly honest.
Thanks again for a prompt response full of helpful information. I am also using Win 8 Pro I noticed that in Action Centre Windows Firewall is switched on but WSA states its firewall is monitoring? Pardon my ignorance I am a tad confused.
Hitmanpro is a great second opinion scanner as well.I have used it as a second opinion scanner for quite some time now.It's free unless it finds an infection,and at that time you can activate a free 30 day trial.It does have some issues with false positives from time to time,probably due to their use of ikarus in their cloud,but it's good for what it is..a second opinion scanner.I would also advise anyone and everyone to incorporate an image based backup into their setup.It can be a real lifesaver.I have been using Acronis True Image for several years now with no issues.
Thanks for your assistance TH I have submitted a support ticket.
I hope you don't mind I have another question?
I was testing virus scan using the Eicar Test File. I noticed that Webroot doesn't instantly detect it as a virus. I have tested other popular security suites and they all seem to instantly detect the virus once you save the file.
Hello, thanks for your reply.
Yes, it wont run under protected under Identity Shield. I have to change the setting from "protect" to "allow" for Firefox to run.
I am using Windows 8 and 32bit Firefox.
Yes, it wont run under protected under Identity Shield. I have to change the setting from "protect" to "allow" for Firefox to run.
I am using Windows 8 and 32bit Firefox.
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