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Should I turn my computer off Overnight

  • 13 November 2013
  • 14 replies

Should I turn my computer OFF when it is idle for long periods like overnight.  I have been turning it off, thinking it would be safer but the optimizations take awhile to do and would be better for me to do at night.

14 replies

Userlevel 7
Generally speaking I don't see a reason to turn it off overnight. I have set Sleep Mode after 3 hours of idleness what is enough for usual maintenance processes (disk defrag etc.). Pressing spacebar wakes it up immediately and I can continue to use it without delay.
Userlevel 7
Yes you should leave it off at night (windows updates will finish during the shutdown sequence)
1) Good for the enviroment (less electricity usage)
2) Cheaper for you  (less electricity usage)
3) Reduces stress on the components inside your PC
4) If something does go wrong you wont be awake to deal with it
Despite the fact the your Hard disk will power down even idle you will reduce the lifespan of the components (capacitors on the motherboard are a particular one).
Userlevel 7
I beg to differ Roy, as sometimes happens with me. :p
Sleep mode or hibernation (yeah it is probably better) should be enough. Sorry but less electricity really doesn't reason.
Userlevel 7
Sorry pegas but your wrong its fact, a switched off PC uses less power than one switched on! A PC running puts wear on components again thats fact. Various components in your PC have a lifespan and needlessly keeping your PC on is a waste of electricty (hence the cost and enviromental issues). Its not my opinion the numbers are there to back it up!
Unless you have a pressing need to have a PC on 24/7 (ie need to connect remotely/acting as a server) it doesnt need to be left on. 
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
I always turn off when not using I always did I see no issues ever and I will continue to do so. Sometimes 4 to 6 times a day and it's nothing to do with hydro but why waste it like Roy said.
Daniel 😉
Userlevel 7
OK folks, if you're in majority ... ;)
Nevertheless I wonder what is an advantage to turn it off over sleep mode or hibernation (it almost doesn't use power) when I leave my PC at ca 9 p.m. and I am back in 7 a.m. I don't want to calculate it but believe that the electricity consumption and thus cost spent are so tiny and negligible that you won't feel them in your wallet, even in monthly or longer scale.
So if I concede to agree with you then only in questions of components wear.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Since I have always been doing it with no ill affect I see need to change as I use SSD's and boot's in 12 to 14 seconds but I agree to each there own!
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
Since I have always been doing it with no ill affect I see need to change as I use SSD's and boot's in 12 to 14 seconds but I agree to each there own!
You hit the nail on the head.
Let's leave this question answered that it is generally recommended to turn it off but it depends on hardware used and user's needs (as Roy mentioned).
For you, having SSD's and considering boot times I fully understand you always turn it off. In my case, not having SSD and with boot in minutes is more convenient to let it sleep or hibernate.
Userlevel 7
Badge +54
I think this has been debated for a few years now and I think it is personal preference.
Personally I always switch mine off the same as I do the TV etc. Not just to save power but my way of thinking is that there is less chance of a fault developing causing something to overheat and resulting in a fire. That may or may not happen but I have always erred on the side of caution.
Userlevel 4
My desktop serves as a Wi-fi spot for my Wii U, my sister's laptop, my laptop, and my 3DS XL.
Other than when I want to play Fackbook games or have to do alot of documentation for gaming information... my desktop computer is turned off.
My laptop is brank new as I just got it yesterday.
I have a WebRoot Anywhere Security 3 device for 1 year service so that if anything happens I'm covered no matter what.
WebRoot is a GEEKSQUAD program and my computers are covered fully for a year by them as well.
Though I prefer to turn things off when they aren't in use so I can save money on electricity.
I do beleive that turning your computer off or putting it to sleep/hybrate mode is a personal preferance that you must deside on for yourself based on how much you use the computer in one day.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Welcome and your correct Webroot with Best Buy Geek Squad subscription support:
Daniel 😉
Userlevel 1
Thanks for the response, I am going to follow your suggestion and shutdown my computer at night.  I do receive the Windows updates when I do shutdown and would prefer to have them installed sooner rather than to wait.  I will periodically leave my computer on, so that my Webroot optimization software can run to its hearts content. 
Thanks to all the responses, this is a good group.  I have been a loyal Webroot subscriber.  My computer has been running trouble free, (knock on wood) for a number of years and I thank Webroot for that.  
Userlevel 7
Badge +7
I agree with all you have said on this subject and for the same exact reasons as you. (in response to Jasper)
Userlevel 7
Badge +7
I agree ...have done this for fifteen or more years.  Electronic/electrical devices on and unatteneded are potential fire hazards.
