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I recently got an email regarding writing a review on WSAC and I did. Today I got an email alert that it got published. Gald to know that , and glad to be able to show my love for this wonderful software in my own words.


Nice one! Always good to see positive feedback about our products!


Hi dtouch Excellent write up...short & to the point (and makes the right points from the user perspective).


Thank you people!
:DGreat job!! Dtouch...arent you proud! Make sure you print it and distribute that marvelous happy for..thats a BIG DEAL for sure..


Best to you..Sherry 
Nicely done dtouch!:D
Thank you guys!! :catvery-happy:

Thank you ams963 for that cool.gif!!
I dont want to appears presuntous or nasty i only wirte here to give you a kudo and congrat. Some companies have posting one of my reviews and it feels fantastic. I know how you feel because in everything you worte you put your heart. Eusebio Ruvalcaba says "In every thing you worte you put your happy, your pain, your heart, all the emotions and things who are important, and because you choose the more beauty and corret words to express those important feelings"


I see your review and see is objetive and very personal and sincertly. I dont have too much to say (a wirter who can not wirte, sorry my english is bad) but congratulations because now your experience can be shared whith others
Some part of your post was little vague to me. I Take it as a compliment. Thanks aktiffk
Yes a compliment from a wirter congratulqations mate
I just saw that this is the top kudoed post, in the forum home page! 🙂
You are right dtouch, it's been that way for weeks now I've noticed. Kudos to you! Fun isn't it?
Now that I had noticed it did put a smile on my face!


