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It truly baffles me when a PC security software maker fails to understand why people purchase their software.  The recent pop-ups have turned my mostly good experience with Webroot into a horrible one where I am left with the choice of either accepting the problem or uninstalling the software for good.


What I am talking about are the purportedly "informational" messages that have recently been popping up, taking focus away from anything and everything else that I am doing in order to tell me something that should be, and in fact is sent in email.  I cannot turn them off, and if I am doing something full screen (such as a game), it will actually drop me out of the game in order to show me the message.  Some examples include the recent "Windows 10" message and the more current "Security report" message.  These messages show up once every 24 hours with no way of turning them off.


Enough is enough.  The definition of "malware" is software that is intended to damage or perform unwanted actions on a computer.  These messages are unwanted, and there is no way to turn them off short of uninstalling the software.  Remember malware with multiple names such as "Spy Sheriff" that would repeatedly prompt you with warning messages about your security until you bought it?  Webroot is treading dangerously close to the functionality of that software, which would place it in the category of malware.


Working with support only fixes the immediate problem, and they cannot do anything about the functionality of the software.  If Webroot wants to communicate with me, do so through my email address as they have already done for both of these pop-ups.  Otherwise, software needs to stay silent.  I did not buy my computer to provide Webroot a platform on which to espouse how great their software is, I bought it to do the things I want to do.  If Webroot continues to interrupt the things I want to do, then I will have no need for Webroot's software.

its understandbe that you might be dissatisfied with this situation but just  posting this rant like message won't help you a lot in your case.. Maybe you ought to have a look at this idea suggestion from one  of the experts here that IMO describes what you suffer.


More control of Personalised Security Report and other IPM


The more people support this feature request the clearer it is to the support team that features like this are really required by many users. I am by far not as experienced as the poster of this suggestion but if there's anything i can help you with you can allways nudge me .


Excellent post godlyfrog.  I contacted tech support about remedying this situation.  Thx.
Support said in a word..."too bad" and pointed me to a forum to put in a feature request (which I see was done 6 months ago).  But they also said it should only pop up when the computer starts or comes out of sleep.  That is actually reasonable...if that's the best webroot designers can manage.  Earlier today I clicked on the report to view it.  There was nothing in it of value to me.  Then a few hours later, it popped up again.  Does anyone know how many times one must view the report to stop the nagware reminders?  Thanks in advance.
As far as I am aware one either just has to view it a few times (4 or 5 times seems to be the consensus view) OR it should stop popping up after a couple of days from when it first started...again the consensus view on this.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
Thanks...appreciate it...will give it a try.  :)
No worries...I will be interested to see if you experience confirms all of this or not so please post back and let us know either way.


Cheers, Baldrick
If it is indeed popping up that frequently then it's a bug - please let support know that in the ticket and ask them to escalate it as a bug.
Maybe it was just a fluke, but no more pop-ups since last reported.  
I get the pop ups on my droid phone and that's it i have six computer systems that i run no problem i am thankfull because when i used avast it never ended on the pop ups so far this webroot been working grate 😉
Another pop-up today, same computer...I needed to review the same report again.  And was not right after a had been on all day.  Not sure why this is so necessary.  Like the OP suggested, sending an email would be much less rude/invasive (or more respectful).  Plus, the report isn't even says I have 6 computers monitored but not true, just 5 on a 5-license family deal.  On five show in my console view.  I surely hope my parents are not receiving these's tough enough trying to answer their basic questions with additional confusion.  I'm the account owner so I'll assume it's only hitting me.
And again.  I sent another request to support...maybe they can help or escalate.  Just posting to log the problem is continuing.
Just received an email to check my security report.  This is ridiculous.
Hi gpb500


Whilst I very much sympathise with you we are in the hands of the Development Team in terms of any new fucntionality to allow more granular control as to when and how often the pop ups appear.


Regards, Baldrick
Of course, I realize that.  Was simply pointing out how frequently this is occurring and how some of us find it more of a nuisance perhaps than others.  I'm not asking the community for help...just posting for informational purposes.  I'll post back for those interested if there is a solution or anything new relevant to this.  Based on my last contact, I don't expect anything.  Cheers.    -- Greg
Hi Greg


Apologies...I mistook your post for a request for a response, etc.


Regards, Baldrick
Thank You for posting. I understand your fustration. That's why I'm here, for the exact same reason / complaint. I only hope there is, or will be a way to stop Webroot pop-ups like "How to avoid phishing...". I have a dedicated security machine with Webroot on it. Webroot pop-ups literally block part of the screen, defeating the very purpose of my system to begin with. It is enough for me to look at other products. Very fustrating.
@ wrote:

Thank You for posting. I understand your fustration. That's why I'm here, for the exact same reason / complaint. I only hope there is, or will be a way to stop Webroot pop-ups like "How to avoid phishing...". I have a dedicated security machine with Webroot on it. Webroot pop-ups literally block part of the screen, defeating the very purpose of my system to begin with. It is enough for me to look at other products. Very fustrating.

This has been disabled, only a matter of time before your system checks in with our server for the new push to remove it. Once this happens, the pop-up will no longer occur.
Thank You for that good news and your quick response. I hope to stick with Webroot. Just wanted to voice my opinion and concerns. Thanks again, Robert
@ wrote:

Thank You for that good news and your quick response. I hope to stick with Webroot. Just wanted to voice my opinion and concerns. Thanks again, Robert

Thank you for voicing your opinion and concerns, this Community is how we better understand the users.
"This has been disabled?" Don't think so given that the issue was opened in 2015 and it's been 3 years.

I see the "Prevent Phishing" message EVERY time my PC resumes from standby/sleep.

A. You should be able to disable such things. They don't make me like the software anymore (even if what you think you're providing is "helpful", it's not helpful to everyone).

B. How many times does someone have to click "dismiss" to make it believe that I don't want to read it?

C. You have a tray icon. If you have something you think is important to me, then put a marker on the tray icon. You DON'T need to get in my face. That's what PHISHERs and malware do.  And yes, I can turn off the tray icon, too. (Which I am GOING to do to see if that really stops the pop-ups) 

D. It will only be a matter of time before malware impersonates your in-the-face pop-ups to deliver more malware.

@ wrote:

"This has been disabled?" Don't think so given that the issue was opened in 2015 and it's been 3 years.

I see the "Prevent Phishing" message EVERY time my PC resumes from standby/sleep.

A. You should be able to disable such things. They don't make me like the software anymore (even if what you think you're providing is "helpful", it's not helpful to everyone).

B. How many times does someone have to click "dismiss" to make it believe that I don't want to read it?

C. You have a tray icon. If you have something you think is important to me, then put a marker on the tray icon. You DON'T need to get in my face. That's what PHISHERs and malware do.  And yes, I can turn off the tray icon, too. (Which I am GOING to do to see if that really stops the pop-ups) 

D. It will only be a matter of time before malware impersonates your in-the-face pop-ups to deliver more malware.


I have a couple things for you to try then, as my computer was doing the same until I forced it to check in.


  • Reboot your computer

  • Run two manual scans from the Webroot program window

This will force it to check in, and yes it has been disabled on our end for a few days now. If you are still seeing these, it has to be due to a lack of communication with our server since the initial 24 hour push. This is usually caused by the computer being off during a large part of that time, lack of internet connection, or several other factors. Ultimately, if you follow the two steps I listed above, the message will stop.
And it continues to get in my face. I think the comments from @ about it being stopped are wrong. I've done 5 more manual scans, my computer has been restarted 4 times over the last month. Still this:


By the way, this is even with the tray icon and other items turned "off" as I noted in my prior message.
@ wrote:

And it continues to get in my face. I think the comments from @ about it being stopped are wrong. I've done 5 more manual scans, my computer has been restarted 4 times over the last month. Still this:


By the way, this is even with the tray icon and other items turned "off" as I noted in my prior message.

Would you mind sending me your email address and/or phone number via direct message? This is the only instance I've heard of where it still exists, so we need to figure out what's going on.
