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System Analyzer "an active process has a possible memory leak ("

  • 15 January 2017
  • 5 replies

I run scans daily on my laptop when I start up in the morning. I typically then run System Optimizer then an System Analyzer after the initial scan.  I notice that if I have chrome open on a webpage when I run the System Analyzer I get the error "an active process has a possible memory leak (".


If I don't have chrome open at the time I run the SA I never get the error.


I always have a 100/100 score reguardless (yeah)!


I have read the errors on this subject as they related to .exe files but I wasn't sure if the memory leak for is caused by the same reason provided (programs on the computer incorrectly manage memory allocations).


Closing and opening chrome and re-running the SA still produces the error.




Hi Jaxx


Personally, I would not worry about what the System Analyzer has to say, as it is just a baseline tool, and on top of that there is nothing you can do about memory would have to contact the author of the software in question and I suspect that, in this case Google, will not listen or if they do then they will do nothing.


I have had this in Chrome, Firefox, File Explorer, etc.,...all prime candidates for this sort of reporting so, try a reboot and if that does not help just accept and move on.


Really, it is not going to cause you any real sort of issue unless your system is woefully underpowered in the RAM or CPU department.


Finally, if you search the Community with the following literal "active process has a possible memory leak" you will find a goodly number of prior threads relating to this, which may be worth a read.


Regards, Baldrick
Thanks Baldrick I did read a couple - just wasn't sure if an exe file VS. com made any difference.  Which you indicated it did not so appreciate that.  


Hi Jaxx


Glad to help...I strongly suspect that if you run the Analyzer again in a few days yo will find that either the item has 'disappered' or that you have another .exe being reported as having a memory leak. As I mentioned then if the app involved is from one of the major players then little point in going any further but if it relates to a recently installed app from a smaller player then there may be some mileage in lettingt hem know about this in case then can do something.


Regards, Baldrick
Actually, I've been getting the same error since sometime in November. But as I said, only if I run the Analyzer with Chrome open. I noticed it happened after I visited a site a friend recommended to binge watch episodes of Walking Dead (not on Hulu). Thank you again Baldrick for your incite as always. Jaxx
Hi Jaxx


You are more than very welcome. Always glad to help where I can. :D


Have a great week.


Regards, Baldrick
