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I have problems when filling in username and password after pushing the webroot button in the IE 7/8/9 and firefox 12> menu bar.


It says invalid password and try again. Both is 100% ok because I am able to logon when opening the address: my.webroot......


What is it?


**Moved post out of similar thread that had been closed for 3 months and created new topic.

- admin
Hey zorbas,


Welcome to the Webroot Community...glad to have you on the forums!


Based on your subscription, it looks like you are still using the older Webroot product and have not yet upgraded to Webroot SecureAnywhere. If that's the case, please click here to run the installer for SecureAnywhere. The upgrade is very quick and easy (and don't worry, it's completely free for existing Webroot customers! ;)) and should resolve your issue. Just make sure to leave your computer on for at least 20 minutes after the install as the password management portion may not kick in immediately.


If, however, you're still having the issue after upgrading (or if you already have SecureAnywhere installed), please refer to this https:///t5/Webroot-SecureAnywhere-Complete/Toolbar-Server-Connection-Disabled-Error-10/ta-p/6054 that covers the toolbar fix (part 3).


Hope that helps! Let me know if this doesn't work for you or if you have any other questions!
Guys, I have the same issue but can not upgrade on given link as I have MAC. Can someone help?
Hello  and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums!


I hope this is what you were asking

Installing Webroot Password Management Toolbar on a Mac
Thanks for youre help and reply. That is not the issue... My webroot toolbar is instaled and enabled. When I insert the same paswoord as to enter in webroot main console I am getting notice that I ninserted Invalid password.... 
Hi sioux


Sounds like something that you should contact the Support Team so please Open a Support Ticket and let them know.  And plase come back here to let us know what they come back with/what solves the issue for you.


Regards, Baldrick

I contacted support team and they have been active for two days and tried to sort out issue and now I am on my own... no answer from them from Friday...


Hi @ if it is not too much trouble would you be able to check up on the status of sioux's Support Ticket given that he has not heard back as to the staus of the ongoing investigation into his issue.


Many thanks in advance, oh Mighty Community Manager...;)
Thanks a million for you're support Baldrick.
You are most welcome, sioux...but let's wait to see if the reall STAR can weave his usual magic on your behalf. ;)
I think I see the issue - it's a quirk in our ticketing system.  Every time you reply to check in again it resets your position in the queue to the datestamp of your last inquiry.  Let me see if I can get someone to check on your ticket real quick.
Thanks guys. Issue almost sorted out by Webroot support. I can log in with my old password which I don't want to keep as my computer was stolen and I would like to change all passwords.

Guys thanks again for your help and support. I really appreciate it.
