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About all I can say is -- why me? :}


So I turned on my new laptop this afternoon just to see what's up. I had installed and configured Webroot Complete 2 days ago. Now, my Webroot install was --  gone. I mean there was NO trace of the program -- no icons, files, directories -- nothing. Like it had never existed. A quick contact with support and within just a few minutes I had a return email with a link to a new install file. Once again, it is installed and running and I *GREATLY* appreciate their super quick response. However, there was no indication as to what might have happened. Has anyone here experienced the same or know of it happening? I'm thinking it's not  a good thing for my protection app to go on vacation like that. Certainly not without letting me know.


Hi Philip10


I have to say that I have come across a very, very few reports of this apparently happening the last time being HERE. But as far as I know no one has gitten to the bottom of it. It is possible to remove an installation of WSA from a machine as a result of deactivating that instance in the online console...but I am assuming that you did not do that.


So what I would suggest is that you update your support ticket to ask them to inevstigate the background to this for you, and if they do find and come back to you with anything pertinent then please post back here as any information on this will be very useful in helping us to help members in the future.


Regards, Baldrick
Thanks for the info, Baldrick.. No, I did not deactivate the app. At least I'm not the only one, huh


The only thing I regrettably did not do was check my task manager to see if any processes were still running. I suspect not since the new install acted just like a first-time install. The entire program was just gone. It's a puzzle. I think I will ask support to investigate. Good idea -- thanks for the tip. I'll let you know the outcome.


Hi Philip10


Thanks for the feedback...and I did not think that you would have deactivated unintentionally. So it is a mystery but lets hope that the SupportTeam can shed some light on this for you (and us)?


Regards, Baldrick
Well, Baldrick -- I got a response from Support -- such as it is.


They claim somebody (me) had to manually uninstall the program.


What is wrong with those people? Do they drink? I did NOT uninstall the program nor did anyone else. Nobody else even has access to my PCs.


I received another response just now. I will paste it here:


"Webroot Customer Service

That would be un-explainable then sir. I would not have the slightest clue of why

Webroot would have been removed from your device. "


Hi Phil


I've been following this thread with curiosity and was just wondering, did you install Webroot the very first time (before it disappeared) or was it installed by a tech at Geek Squad or something similar? Perhaps it was not installed correctly the first time (installed in a temp file? Not likely but possible.) In almost 5 years using Webroot on multiple PCs I've never seen this happen. I've experienced icons disappearing and Webroot not being listed in the Control Panel/Programs and not being able to be uninstalled from there, but in both cases Webroot was still running and protecting the computer and was accessible via the Program Files folder.


I would just keep an eye on the current installation and see if it happens again. Hopefully it was just due to an initial installation glitch. Let us know if you discover any additional info. ;)



Thanks for your response and thoughts, BurnDaddy.


What you mention (improper install) would be possible but not in this instance. I have been using Webroot on multiple PCs for something more than 3 years and over my lifetime have installed literally 1,000s of programs including many security apps and I performed this install myself. So, when I say, "I know what I'm doing", I know what I'm doing. :)


The program simply disappeared. No trace of anything. It is a brand new machine so it could be a little unstable itself. I just don't know yet. So, for Support to use the old standard "it must be your fault" is simply wrong.


Again, thanks for you thoughts. We need to leave no stone unturned on this one. :)


Hi Phil


As I alluded to in my initial reply to you...I have seen this a very few times and in each case there has been no trail to follow, and I very much suspect that unless it actually happens whilst someone is monitoring the system it happens to occur on then it is unlikely that there is much hope in deducing the I have never heard of it striking the same installation more than once.


Regards, Baldrick
Thanks, Baldrick. It is somewhat reassuring you have not heard of any recurrance but you can rest assured I will keep at least one eye on that machine at all times.


Thanks for your help. I appreciate the effort.


I do have to sincerely apologize for the responses you were given from Support, @.


This is a somewhat common occurrence that typically happens after performing a Complete System Upgrade/Update (like moving to Windows 10 for example). After reviewing your keycode, we can see that your Computer is still checking in regularly and functioning just like normal. The only issue seems to be with having the icon and being able to see the GUI.


In almost all instances, Uninstalling/Reinstalling the Program should resolve this issue.


Just remember to write down your keycode before uninstalling by clicking "My Account" at the Main Screen

Uninstall/Reinstall Instructions:



I would give that a shot and let us know what happens.
You are most welcome, Phil.


And you can rest assured that I will remain very interested in this particular'issue' so if you spot anything or come across it again do post back or private message me and we can see if we can figure this one out somehow.


Regards, Baldrick
No need whatsoever to apologize, JP. They just don't know so they don't know. That's what they should have said in the first place instead of trying to lay the blame on me. No big deal.


As for what you are seeing checking in, etc -- that would be the PC I am on right now. It also has Complete installed under the same keycode. My problem child is laying over there turned off and has been since the incident. I only turned it on long enough to see Webroot was still running.


Please realize there was no upgrading going on -- it's a brand new system. The Webroot program disappeared. Poof, it was gone -- not hidden but GONE. No icons, no files, no directory -- nothing, GONE.


Thanks for your thoughts!


As a follow-up, I just received a communication from The Malwarebytes Premium 3.0 support group. I believe I had mentioned somewhere up-thread I had installed their product and that might be a source of trouble for my Webroot install. They state there is "no way' their product could interfere with Webroot and in fact was designed to run along side other security programs. Assuming they are correct, that kinda narrows the field down to Win 10 64 bit, my new PC, or Webroot itself being the problem. And so it goes.


Greetings to you Phillip10. Allow me to commend you for your patience and for your civil and polite correspondence whilst dealing with this issue.My hats off to you. The tea leaves indicate a fix is right around the corner. Best2U.
Thanks for your comments, Robert. I appreciate what you said and the intent behind it. I have never seen a need to get upset abourt things I can't control. it's not like they are doing this to me on purpose. :)


As a further follow-up, I am currently on the problem PC and everything is running just fine -- including Webroot. Kinda as you say, Robert -- it may have fixed itself. 🙂
Hi Phil


Glad to hear that things are running OK at the moment...and let us hope that this remains the case. Either way please drop back and let us know if that remains the  case of if the issue manifests itself again.


In the latter case we can look to assist further.


Regards, Baldrick


PS. Completely agree with Robert in terms of his view. ;)
I'm with @ on this one as I have been observing this go full circle, including the previous thread "This Is Frustrating" @. Looks as if Webroot never got installed initially and Tech Support was correct to determine "user error", which encompasses a broad spectrum of occurances, of which could have been a simple glich or no internet connection.  Webroot is Anti Virus, Anti Malware, Anti Exploit  and Anti Ransome.  Anything added is baggage and for me has conflicted at some point sooner or later.  Just because a software is "designed" to  to run in compatability with other software does not mean that it will.  I removed it all from my PCs even if it was paid lifetime and have not looked back.  I then stopped having any issues.:S  I learned after a couple of years here to do what the experts do.  I use Edge (default) with uBlock mOrigin,  IE with AdBlock Plus, Chrome with uBlock Origin and also Privacy Badger, and Firefox with uBlock Origin and also Privacy Badger.  Issue free for two years:S:S  Links to these add-ons for specific browsers, the big four, are usually posted at request by  our VIPs and Experts if requested from @ @ Ms Sherry, Daniel and others.  This is not advice...just my experience.:D  Regards !
Thanks, Baldrick. You can rest assured I will keep you advised of any new developments with my issue. I feel some of you are almost as invested in this problem as I am. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


@ wrote:

I'm with @ on this one as I have been observing this go full circle, including the previous thread "This Is Frustrating" @. Looks as if Webroot never got installed initially and Tech Support was correct to determine "user error", which encompasses a broad spectrum of occurances, of which could have been a simple glich or no internet connection.  Webroot is Anti Virus, Anti Malware, Anti Exploit  and Anti Ransome.  Anything added is baggage and for me has conflicted at some point sooner or later.  Just because a software is "designed" to  to run in compatability with other software does not mean that it will.  I removed it all from my PCs even if it was paid lifetime and have not looked back.  I then stopped having any issues.:S  I learned after a couple of years here to do what the experts do.  I use Edge (default) with uBlock mOrigin,  IE with AdBlock Plus, Chrome with uBlock Origin and also Privacy Badger, and Firefox with uBlock Origin and also Privacy Badger.  Issue free for two years:S:S  Links to these add-ons for specific browsers, the big four, are usually posted at request by  our VIPs and Experts if requested from @ @ Ms Sherry, Daniel and others.  This is not advice...just my experience.:D  Regards !

Perfect response, @ :manhappy:
Well, there BlazeTen. Your opinion belies your level of intellegence. Thanks for your input.


Hi Phil


It is worth pointing out, for those that do not know, that the latest iteration of  MBAM is very new and it now incorporates a number of previously separate technologies...all of which could well mean that there are indeed some 'issues' of compatability despite what the good people at the other forum say about this.


I have personally run the two together and not noticed or come across any far...but it is way to early to tell either way.


So you monitor approach is an appropriate one in my opinion...but if the issue reappears you could then uninstall the 'other' application and see if that resolves the issue, etc.


Regards, Baldrick


As usual, you are correct regards MBAM and their new iteration. That's the primary reason I have been keeping a close eye on it. Their new version reports ro operate very similar to the way Webroot operates so I have been concerned about compatibility. I am pleased to report NO problems with either program and is the primary reason for my post back in this thread. So far, it all seems to be good. 🙂 Please note the info I posted did not come from their forums but direct from a programmer. However, he has a vested interest so I have to watch him as well. :)


Again, thank you and all else in this thread for the fantastic support and suggestions. Both my Webroot installs seem to be operating as designed.
Hi Phil


Many, many thanks for taking the trouble to post back and share your is much appreciated...and useful to the Community.


I too have been watching (periodically as I use it as a 2nd opinion scanner) how MBAM sites with WSA and have to say that at present I agree with you view as I too have detected no issues recently.


Glad to hear that you WSA installs are working well for you...always good to hear (even though we tend to expect it...though occassionally there are issues). :D


Regards, Baldrick
