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Trying to install new webroot secure anywhere software, keeps telling me its expired.
Bought another software its telling me that it is expired.


EDIT: <Threads merged as duplicates>; Baldrick
Hi m_cario22


Welcome to the Community Forums.


What exactly are you trying to achieve here?  Would you be able to provide the exact steps that yo are taking to get the issue that you are reporting?  


You say that you are trying to install a new version of WSA; is this as a result of renewing your subscription?  If so then there is no need to install the software again.  If you have a new key code, i.e., it has not just been a case of adding more time to your existing subscription then all you need to do is enter the new keycode in the appropriate place (click on the gear/cog to the right of the My Account tab and you should see the field on the right hand side of the next panel displayed) and the click on 'Activate'.


But if you are doing that, i.e.e, going to start using a new keycode AND you use either or both of the Password Manager and Backup & Sync feature of WSA Complete then you should Open a Support Ticket, to let the Support Team know and ask them to transfer your data from the old to the new key, otherwise you will not be able to access your data, as it is keyed on the keycode.


Well, I have taken a guess or to at what might be the issue so if I am incorrect please post back with the details of exactly the issue and we can look to take it from there.


Regards, Baldrick
