
Webreputation with Firefox and Google

  • 27 October 2015
  • 31 replies

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31 replies

Userlevel 3
No worries - take your tiem.
As I wrote I did find the solution and it workes now with Firefox for me
Userlevel 7
Our replies crossed each other.  See my previous reply above 🙂
Userlevel 3
Ok - I have uninstalled the old Webroot Web Reputation toolbar.
Originally the issue was that in the Google search results only on the first page of the result list the Webroot Reputation was shown - Triplehelix in the 2nd post showed the issue very nicely.
But as I wrote I found the solution in the Google search options and now the reputation is shown even if you skip to the next Google search results
Userlevel 7
That was my turn to misunderstand 🙂  I see what you mean now.  I am not able to give a verification that it works at the moment, but hopefully another user will!
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
Ok - I have uninstalled the old Webroot Web Reputation toolbar.
Originally the issue was that in the Google search results only on the first page of the result list the Webroot Reputation was shown - Triplehelix in the 2nd post showed the issue very nicely.
But as I wrote I found the solution in the Google search options and now the reputation is shown even if you skip to the next Google search results
@: the original problem you described was caused by a change of the page structure of the google search result, which caused our extension to now longer retrieve URLs to look them up.
Changing the settings in Google is a workaround, but a fix will be available with the next version of our plugins.
Userlevel 3
Hi foo,
great - thanks for the response.
