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Webroot and three web logins

  • 11 August 2015
  • 3 replies

So there are three web logins for Webroot?


1) The Webconsole login.

2) The support login

3) The Web Security login


I am familiar with the first two and requires seperate accounts for them. But what is the third?

We need to create a third account?


3 replies

Userlevel 7
The third one is not a part of the Home versions nor the Business Endpoint either.. it is a different product entirely.  See here for more information.
As for as us Home users go.. we do not use the third one at all.
Userlevel 5
Badge +24
Alright :)
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
We are working on unifying the consoles for those two products, if you happen to use both business endpoint and WSS, but for now they're still separate.
