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Webroot Password Manager on Firefox for Google

  • 31 May 2017
  • 6 replies

So, Google changed its sign-on page and now Webroot Password Manager doesn't Fill or Auto-sign-in to my Google accounts.  What can I do about this?

(Windows 10; Firefox 54.0b12 (64-bit), SecureAnywhere v9.0.15.40)


6 replies

Userlevel 7
Greetings @,
This is a known issue with Internet Explorer and FireFox. For the time being, please submit a ticket to our Team so they can gather the needed information from your System.
Userlevel 2
Badge +2
I contacted Webroot support and am currently going back and forth on the issue.
  No resolution yet.
Userlevel 2
Badge +2
I gave up for a week, but replyed to support again today.  Still no resolution.
  My original question was/is, "What can I do about it."
I am ready to accept, "Nothing.  But would like someone to at least have the cojones to say it."
  If there is a solution, or is going to be, that would be great.  ...yet I begin to feel like the support people don't even understand the problem.
"I'm sorry, when I asked the question I though I would get a simple:  "Do this...;" "Repair in progress." or "Nope, doesn't work anymore and won't."
  Now I feel like I'm the only one with the problem and it's my fault, that I'm doing something dumb/wrong.
Userlevel 7
Karl, please don't feel that way.
Our Team is in the process of having our case reviewed by our Global Escalations Team. This is the normal process for all of our support requests and we really appreciate your patience.

Userlevel 1
I noted this, too... and hated the new format. Much less user-friendly, especially not being able to right-click and copy username/passwords. Whenever I have problems with installing or using the WRSA Password extension in Firefox, I go to this site: and follow the instructions (i.e. download to desktop [easiest place to find it should it get lost], extract files, drag the file into Firefox's "Add-ons"/"Extensions" area). After removing the "new" toolbar from Firefox, I downloaded the fix at the site mentioned above and viola, back to normal. Good luck!
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
I noted this, too... and hated the new format. Much less user-friendly, especially not being able to right-click and copy username/passwords. Whenever I have problems with installing or using the WRSA Password extension in Firefox, I go to this site: and follow the instructions (i.e. download to desktop [easiest place to find it should it get lost], extract files, drag the file into Firefox's "Add-ons"/"Extensions" area). After removing the "new" toolbar from Firefox, I downloaded the fix at the site mentioned above and viola, back to normal. Good luck!
Be careful with applying that as I thinkthat you will find that the link refers to an older version of the Password Manager which may not be as secure as the more recent versions.
