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I am just curious, is there any downside to webroot over other antiviruses. It seems to be the best choice but i was curious if it uses more battery life or if its just more direct at finding problems. I am just curious ;)


I forget how it works but, I remember hearing something like you get samples from known viruses from all around the world yes? I would be greatly interested in knowing just how good it really is. (don't tell me your  critical secrets lol. because hackers could learn about it too.)


Also webroot must've been made by someone truly brilliant. (my bad if it sounds like i am sucking up to you) again for what seems like the omph time... I am curious. Very much so...
I am not aware of any major downsides.  Webroot just works differently.  With the way it works, there is no need for large definition files and updates, as those are stored up 'in the cloud'.  Not being an employee, I have a hard time explaining just how it works LOL, but I know it does.




Yep. though I have heard that macs don't work well with it but either way it don't matter cause I don't have one.  ;) ( I use windows 8 which was annoying but im over that. It is better than I originally then I thought. Anyways cheers.  Hehe.


Hi Zimuka


Some would say that the only downside is that because almost all the analysis take place in the cloud you are not protected when not online.  The other way of looking at it is what is the safest way to avoid being infected over the not that sort of puts that argument into context IMHO..And as far as I am aware WSA does include some aspect of client side heuristics to provide a level of protect when disconnected.  So I completely agree with David's view.  In fact I and my family all use WSA as the primary line of defense, having moved over from other mainstream providers because the had such a drag on the system when compared to WSA.


Also, the only main security app that I run on my Windows tablet is WSA...have tried a couple of other apps but on a tablet they are really detrimental to battery life.  Won't be quite as bad on a laptop but IMHO WSA will always be less resource hungry than just about anything else outhere and give you as good, if not better, protection...but that is just my view. ;)


Finally, and this is very personal in response to you question "Also webroot must've been made by someone truly brilliant." I would say, without hesitation...YES, and he is backed up by a very good development team...and he takes the time to interest himself in what the users report, either here or on other forums. :D


Hope that helps?





It's no secret have a look here:


Here's 3 Great Video's with Webroot CEO, Dick Williams and Michael Malloy, Executive VP of Product and Strategy of Webroot Inc.









Nice info Daniel...thanks!
Hi Daniel


Thanks...that is now bookmarked for future reference/questions of the same type.





Your very welcome and I have Bookmarked it also to show noobies and skeptic new users. ;)


Well I hope that the cloud is pretty well protected such as twofish/serpent. And is a self made cloud so you have complete control over it. ;)I only know about a small amount of that stuff... Meaning a very small amount and only due to being somewhat irrationally paranoid. I shall continue to recommend it when the opportunity comes around.  As for the video of webroot I probably am not going to understand it but I think I will look at it eventually. 


 several edits due to mobile issues.
The cloud is the future and it's here now with Webroot SecureAnywhere full Cloud Anti-Malware it's the only way to keep up the large influx of malware each and every day and keep the Client from eating CPU and RAM resources in which WSA doesn't have to as it's all done in the Cloud.


"Malware is at such high levels (more than 60 million unique samples per year) that protecting an endpoint with traditional antivirus software has become futile. More than 100,000 new types of malware are now released every day, and antivirus vendors are racing to add new protection features to try to keep their protection levels up. But new features need even more CPU and RAM resources, which reduces performance and usability to even more unacceptable levels. The torrent of new malware is also forcing antivirus vendors to continually update their signature/protection files, with more than 5MB of updates per day being commonplace."


Same link as above:

@ wrote:

Yep. though I have heard that macs don't work well with it but either way it don't matter cause I don't have one. ......

FWIW I've used WSA cloud/heuristic engine (formerly PrevX Home and version 1 to 4) PC versions since 2005 when I also migrated my own OS platforms to a Apple Mac OSX 10.4 et seq and started to constantly nag the then PrevX Derby UK Office for a Mac version!


A liittle over 7 years later a Mac version did arrive and it was well worth the wait!  Apart from some recent kernel panics on user switching with Apples latest Mavericks OSX I can't remember any significant show stopping reasons why someone would be justified in making that negative Mac orientated comment?

In any event the kp's in Mavericks gave WSA development the opportunity to demonstrate that they retained their superlative tech support and customer facing focus by providing  a patch/fix within a few weeks!   YMMV clearly....
Eh I guess I heard wrong about the mac ver lol. Well I hope the cloud always remains safe. Whatever that is.  
@ wrote:

Eh I guess I heard wrong about the mac ver lol. Well I hope the cloud always remains safe. Whatever that is.  

I know it's very safe but since this is a Great Question we can ask some of the Webroot Experts to comment on this as allot of users would like to know @ @ @  and if they don't have the answers they will know who does!


Thanks Zimuka,


Daniel 😉
No problem meh i just wanted to know. hehe
The Mac product is of extremely high quality and uses the same backend as the Windows product so you'll experience the same great service regardless of what operating system you're using 🙂
Sorry @  I was talking about the Security and Redundancy of the Webroot Cloud as:


"Zimuka wrote:

Eh I guess I heard wrong about the mac ver lol. Well I hope the cloud always remains safe. Whatever that is."




Daniel 😉
Thanks, I answered the wrong question 🙂 Our cloud is completely encrypted and secured, and we don't collect personal information so everything is fully protected.
Thanks Joe!


Have a great day!


Daniel 😃
