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Webroot Security Complete on a Chromebook

  • 27 February 2017
  • 2 replies

I just purchased the Samsung Chromebook Plus. Since it had the google play store I decided to install Webroot Secure Anywhere. After the install I started getting notifications about the "The device administrator settings are unsafe". I can't find where I'm suppose to change this, and when I click the "Fix this now button" it just takes me back to first screen (doing this loop over and over) After this message I started having a few other things act weird (Keyboard didn't want to type. On screen keyboard wouldn't pop up to type etc).


Has anyone else had this issue? Is it safe to leave things as they are for now, or does this put the device in vulnerable state, making it easier for a virus or something else to leak in? If you know of a fix that would be awesome!!
Hello sha630,


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


There isn't an antivirus software needed (or even available) for Chromebooks. They come with built-in malware and virus protection, with multiple layers of security, including automatic system updates so virus protection stays up-to-date automatically, always running the latest and most secure version. Chrome manages these updates silently in the background.


Hope this helps?
Salutations @, and welcome to the Webroot Community.

Just to add to Sherry's post, here is some more information regarding Security on Chromebooks directly from Google:

