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I have 4 computers protected under a Webroot subscription for 5 computers.  I registered for the site and added 2 mobile devices, but the site is only showing 1 protected computer - my laptop - and the 2 mobile devices.  I used the same Key Code I used to register the other computers.  Will the other computers show up only when I have them do a scan or do I need to do something more to see them on my home page? 
Hi motodoug1231


Welcome to the Community Forums.


The other devices (and the word in use here is important) should show up automatically but sometimes it does require a scan  to sync the information between the clients and the Cloud.  If they have not appeared after a couple of scans then I would Open a Support Ticket and get the issue looked into by the Support Team.


Now just to point out that your license will be for 5 devices, i.e., not just computers but also mobiles & is the total number of devices (that is the word used on the website) that is important.  So if you have a 5 device license and 4 computers registered you have only room for one more device, i.e., one more coputer or mobile or tablet...if I am not mistaken.


Regards, Baldrick
