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Webroot turned off , showing message numerous times on slide in notification action center

this problem has been going on for about a week, I think since Microsoft last Windows 10 update on 3/1, security center shows Webroot on and OK, but numerous times during the day on the desktop the slide in notification for action center shows webroot and windows defender turned off click to check security center , I have tried removing webroot completly and reinstalled webroot, tried changing security center in services to auto restarted didn't work, then back to delay start didn't work messages still keep coming , not sure what else to try, it seems numerous windows 10 webroot users are having this problem,and I already put in four message for tech support but no answers yet, any thoughts on this different from what I have tried will help , thanks.
Whatever you think best nic!
Hi daniel, I just installed today's windows updates and not more then a half hour past after updates and the same message for webroot turned off popped up, so I guess Microsoft is not doing anything about this problem, thoughts ? Scott.
@ wrote:

Hi daniel, I just installed today's windows updates and not more then a half hour past after updates and the same message for webroot turned off popped up, so I guess Microsoft is not doing anything about this problem, thoughts ? Scott.

Hi Scott,


Lets see over the next few days to see if the other AV's are reporting the same. Mine is still working fine and I wonder why some are affected and others are not?




Hi Daniel, I have to uncheck those options in security center for monitoring software, the pop up message for webroot turned off is now showing up about every ten minutes so it got worse after yesterdays updates I guess  yesterdays updates made it worse, do you think it is worth trying to shutdown or remove Webroot then turn on Windows defender and see if pop up messages stop ? for testing purposes ,because message does list Windows defender to ? this would confirm that Microsoft changed something to only allow Windows defender ? thoughts ? thanks Scott.
I have never let WD update ever as I turned it off after a clean reinstall of Windows 10 Enterprise x64 then I install WSA. Sure if your willing to test as I can't reproduce any of this issue on my 2 Laptops.





Same approach here, Daniel ;)
OK Daniel , I will remove Webroot that will allow windows defender to turn on then I will wait a few hours , I should know if message is stopped within one hour, if it stops then I will reinstall webroot which will automatically turn off windows defender, if this works then it seems that microsoft is pushing windows 10 users to use windows defender as stated in reply from microsoft support tech which you read on microsoft community, I will let you know results, thanks Scott.
@ wrote:

OK Daniel , I will remove Webroot that will allow windows defender to turn on then I will wait a few hours , I should know if message is stopped within one hour, if it stops then I will reinstall webroot which will automatically turn off windows defender, if this works then it seems that microsoft is pushing windows 10 users to use windows defender as stated in reply from microsoft support tech which you read on microsoft community, I will let you know results, thanks Scott.

Turn off Windows Defender before reinstalling WSA from the page I showed you above.




OK Daniel, it's been over two hours since I removed Webroot and activated windows defender and as I thought no more pop up slider messages from action center, thought ? and how do you think I should go about reinstalling webroot I know turn off windows defender first after that what's the best place to download the current webroot version for secure complete ? thanks Scott.
Hello loosenutzs.


Well if I may jump in here and have you follow these instructions below Since ? is offline,


Please follow the steps closely!


  • Make sure you have a copy of your 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode! Example: SA69-AAAA-A783-DE78-XXXX
  • KEEP the computer online for the install to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a Copy Here (Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE) Let us know if it is the Mac version you need.
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot
Please let us know if that resolves your issue?


@ wrote:

OK Daniel, it's been over two hours since I removed Webroot and activated windows defender and as I thought no more pop up slider messages from action center, thought ? and how do you think I should go about reinstalling webroot I know turn off windows defender first after that what's the best place to download the current webroot version for secure complete ? thanks Scott.


@ wrote:

Hello loosenutzs.


Well if I may jump in here and have you follow these instructions below Since @ is offline,


Please follow the steps closely!


  • Make sure you have a copy of your 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode! Example: SA69-AAAA-A783-DE78-XXXX
  • KEEP the computer online for the install to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a Copy Here (Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE) Let us know if it is the Mac version you need.
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot
Please let us know if that resolves your issue?



Thanks Sherry for covering for me! Just do what it says above!




Daniel :D
Sherry, I did as you asked and did not import old setting , I will update probably Thursday 3/10 after it runs for a while and to see if pop up message comes back, Scott is OK instead of loosenutz, thanks Scott.
@ wrote:

Sherry, I did as you asked and did not import old setting , I will update probably Thursday 3/10 after it runs for a while and to see if pop up message comes back, Scott is OK instead of loosenutz, thanks Scott.

Thanks Scott that was important not to import old settings as it's keep other info as well so it's a clean reinstall!


Daniel 😃
Hi Scott!


Sounds like a plan!:D


Hey Scott do you want to join the Beta Group? If you do just post in here!


OK , good night all, get back to everyone tomorrow 3/10 with updates if there is any progress with problem, Scott.
@ wrote:

OK , good night all, get back to everyone tomorrow 3/10 with updates if there is any progress with problem, Scott.

Goodnight and sleep well!


Daniel 😉
@ wrote:

@ wrote:

OK , good night all, get back to everyone tomorrow 3/10 with updates if there is any progress with problem, Scott.

Goodnight and sleep well!


Daniel ;)

Have a goodnight! See you tomorrow! 🙂
good morning, Daniel and Sherry, well it didn't work pop up messages are back, to recap with webroot removed and windows defender running no pop up messages ,but then turn off windows defender and reinstall webroot then messages come back that say windows defender and webroot are both turned off, next thing I was going to try is remove webroot then let windows defender start up again, then shut down windows defender then install a different program like Avast or Eset to see how windows 10 reacts to these programs, thoughts ? thanks Scott, I will be in and out today so I will check for messages through out the day, both of you have a good day, Scott.
Good Morning Scott,


I'm not sure I can answer that as I feel Daniel can better advise you if you should install a different AntiVirus for testing. Normally we just work with Webroot. But lets wait and see..


Thanks for checking that all out for us.
Hi Sherry, here is the what I did today, I installed Sophos home antivirus and turned off windows defender and no pop up messages for two hours, so now I removed Sophos and Windows defender is on again, I will wait till I hear from you or Daniel before I put Webroot back so that if there is anything different you want me to try, let me know thanks, Scott.
Hi Scott!


Well that's interesting...I quess the best thing to do is wait for Daniel...I just don't understand why some of us get these popup sa Daniel, Baldrick and myself have not gotten these pop ups.


I'm just wondering if you went here to use this registry fix to see if you will still get these popups since you are trying to see what works or not.


Just a thought? Otherwise we will have to wait for Daniel. As he knows more then I...


? do you have anything to add?


Hi Sherry


That is an interesting thought, and perhaps one worth exploring as a temporary solution...if it works. But there is an underlying issue at play here for some users. The puzzling thing is, as you say, why this is not affecting all users.


I am wondering if it could be something due to UAC...I have UAC switched off as I use another security app to cover that angle...perhaps a left of field idea but at this stage I would say that any sugegstions should be looked the Registry tweak you have mentioned.


BTW, do you have UAC switched on or off?


Rgards, Baldrick
Hi Sherry, I really don't want to use Windows defender I don't have much faith in it, I will wait till about 6pm to hear back from daniel if he is busy then I will reinstall Webroot and turn off Windows Defender, just so you know all the computers that I know have this problem are desktop computers and are running on a etherent cable not wireless, thoughts ? thanks Scott.
@ wrote:

Hi Sherry


That is an interesting thought, and perhaps one worth exploring as a temporary solution...if it works. But there is an underlying issue at play here for some users. The puzzling thing is, as you say, why this is not affecting all users.


I am wondering if it could be something due to UAC...I have UAC switched off as I use another security app to cover that angle...perhaps a left of field idea but at this stage I would say that any sugegstions should be looked the Registry tweak you have mentioned.


BTW, do you have UAC switched on or off?


Rgards, Baldrick

Hi Baldrick!


I have UAC enabled with one of my sytems running W/10 and I do not get any of those messages. As I don't have third party

security for that PC. This is also a interesting point though!
