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Is there updates for tis software? And if so how do I get them?

Hi qc4jc1


Welcome to the Community Forums.


To answer your question I can say as follows:


1. In terms of definition updates... there are none as all detection is done via the Webroot Intelligence Network or WIN which reside in the Cloud.  Please see the diagram below for more information on that:



2. In terms of product updates these are generally pushed to the user automatically as ssuming that one leaves the setting that controls that at its default...and why not as the updates themselves are 'ledgendary' in terms of them being virtually 'silent'; often you will not realise that you have been udated unless you check.


You can, of course check for updates manually, either from within the main app (click on the cog/gear symbol next to My Account > About SecureAnywhere > Check for software updates) or by righ clicking the notification area icon and selecting the notificaiton area icon, right clicking it and selecting 'Check for updates'.


So all very ease and user friendly.  But for me the best part is the detection in the WIN as that means that as all definitions are updated therein there is no need for lengthy or frequent downloads of is all updated in real time in the Cloud.


Hope that helps?  If not please feel free to ask any other questions you may have.


Regards, Baldrick
