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What replaces secure anywhere complete on a mac?
Hi BillSwanson


Am afraid I don't understand the question...the Complete version is available for Macs as far as I know, and as far as the Webroot web site states.


Regards, Baldrick
Hello BillSwinson,


I am not sure what you question means. Webroot has Internet Security Plus for 3 PCs and WebrootSecureAnywhere Anti Virus for a Mac.


Can you provide us mioe detail on what you are asking?


Sorry, brain f**t. I can't recreate how I arrived at a screen that offered several products, one of which was not "Complete". It went downhill from there. I have since found the product page that has "Complete".

How do you carve a piece of wood? Whittle by whittle.


Hi BillSwinson,


So are you okay or do you still have a question?


Here are the Webroot products if you need it?
