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Hi folks,

Is there any more news on the password manager issue?

I have cancelled my auto renewal for this year as if there is no definitive answer SOON, I for one will be looking elsewhere for my security

Hi discworlder

I am afraid that there is currently no firm date for the resolution of this issue. We will see it first in the Beta Group and I am sure that someone will advise as and when that happens.

It was my understanding from responses in a prior thread that end of February was favourite but then the world of fixing IT issues which can range from just a minor adjustment to code all the way up to what if effectively a new version, it is a brave person who wagers their money on that.

I am sure that Webroot are working hard to resolve this and I think that we just need to be a little more patient at present.

Regards, Baldrick
Baldrick is correct. We will be posting a lot of information when it's ready, which should be soon. While I cannot confirm anything at the moment, it's worth noting that we are very close.
Thanks Lara

Much obliged for the official 'update' on this. 😀

Regards, Baldrick
I'm also glad to see an "official" reply. Still holding off on the daily reminders to upgrade FF, and hoping nothing bad comes from that.