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I have got a email after I have some issues with my computer. I sent a report to Webroot, after folloving they`re instruction. After  several days, I got this email, who tell me that a personal security report have been made. I click the button inside the email to get the report, then a website show up, telling me that the report isnt currently avaiable. But I can find the report inside the program. Now the big question: WHERE DO I FIND THE REPORT?
Hi Skvulderup1967


Welcome to the Community Forums.


I have to admit that I have not heard of the Security Report or at least what I am thinking that you are referring to, being 'wrappered' in this may...but then again there is always a first time. :D


I think that if yo got the email from the Support Team and following the links led you to what you have described then you should add to the existing Support Ticket precisely what has happened and ask them to resolve the link issue or send you a copy of the report directly, if they can.


Usually we have the reverse issue of users complaining that they are being pestered by the Security Report pop up asking them to read the report, etc. (please see this previous thread if interested in some background on this).


What I would say in closing is that yo make sure that the email is indeed from the Support Team, i.e., a genuine Webroot source...just in case this is a phishing attempt that we have not heard of before...saying that I doubt it but one can never be too careful.


Regards, Baldrick
