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Hello Everyone.

I just renewed my Webroot, and I noticed a message popped on on my PC that window Defender is off but i can not turn it Up.

Thanks for your helps
Hello ?


Windows 10, it will automatically disable Windows Defender.  It will not allow you to have both enabled at the same time.  This is a function of Windows, not Webroot. The same will be true of any AV you install on Windows 10.


If you uninstall Webroot (or other AV you have installed) Windows Defender will automatically come back active if it was set for that, OR it will provide you a system notification that action is needed in order to either turn Windows Defender back on or re-enable/re-install your other AV.


In short.. with another AV installed and active, you can't enable Windows Defender, but it will be there if the other AV is turned off or uninstalled.


But if you want to run both there is a workaround here:


I hope this helps!
Dear ssherjj.

Thank you very much. I just purchased the Renewal. But every time I turn on my computer, the small Pop-Op Red Color Message indicates that I need to purchase the REnewal. How can I get rid of that message.

Hi Venus60


Hope that you are well?


When you say you 'renewed' WSA did you contact Webroot and actually renew your existing subscription, i.e. you were NOT sent a NEW Keycode as a result OR did you purchase another, NEW subscription, in which case you should have been provided with a NEW keycode?


The reason I ask is that if it was the former, i.e., NO new keycode, then the time associated with the new subscription period should be added to your existing subscription and thereafter there is nothing for you to do as you should roll into the new subscription period full protected as before.


However, if what you did was the latter, i.e., a NEW keycode was provided, then you will need to enter and activate that keycode in WSA for the protection to continue. If this is pertinent to you then I should point out that you should not enter the new keycode until the last day of your current keycode/subscription, i.e., on the day of expiry, as entering a new keycode with an existing one still with time on it will effectively lose you that remaining time as the new keycode / subscription period will run currently to the old.


Also, if it was indeed the latter case that applies to your renewal then you will not be able to get rid of the message until the previous subscription has completed the 30 grace period that Webroot allow after actual expiry, unless you open a support ticket, to let the Support Team know and ask them to cancel the previous subscription/keycode.


Apologies for the long and rambling reply, but hopefully you recognise which is your actual experience and therefore have the guidance you need. If not then please post back and we will try to help further.


Finally, I do not recall which version of WSA you use, and you have not said, but if you did indeed do a 'pseudo' rather than 'real' renewal as per the above, and as you use Complete version (which I assume you use as you have posted in that Forum) then please post back as there is some important follow up information that I have to give you.


Regards, Baldrick
Dear Baldrick.

I received an email about my Webroot Expiration, and when my webroot complete, did expired, I purchased it directly from the webroot email that I received. and I did not had to apply a Key, because It updated Automatically.And when I click on Werbroot I see the 362 days available.

But the message still PoopsUp, when I open my computer.

Thank you very much for your help.
