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Not sure if I should activate Windows Defender not that I have Windows 10.  Currently I have Defender on disable (off), but my system lets me know that it is off.  I know Defender has its limitations but if it is compatible with Webroot Complete, I would like to activate it.  Please advise
Hello there!


I may be mistaken, but I am pretty sure that if you have another AV installed on Windows 10, it will automatically disable Windows Defender.  It will not allow you to have both enabled at the same time.  This is a function of Windows, not Webroot. The same will be true of any AV you install on Windows 10.


If you uninstall Webroot (or other AV you have installed) Windows Defender will automatically come back active if it was set for that, OR it will provide you a system notification that action is needed in order to either turn Windows Defender back on or re-enable/re-install your other AV.


In short.. with another AV installed and active, you can't enable Windows Defender, but it will be there if the other AV is turned off or uninstalled.


I hope this helps!
