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what is Mozila error 03213210x508. The message is on my computer and I cant get rid of it?

  • 3 June 2016
  • 2 replies

what is Mozila error 03213210x508. The message is on my computer and I cant get rid of it?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hello gram642,
Welcome to the Webroot Community,
I have done some research and I am not finding any information about this. Can you give us more information about when and where does this error message pop up?
You might want to do an uninstall/reinstall Mozilla/Firefox?
Or you can Submit A Support Ticket and rhey can see if this is more then just an error message.This is a free service with a Webroot subscription.
Hope this helps?
Userlevel 7
Hi gram642
Welcome to the Commuity Forums.
If I may add to what Sherry has this causing tabs to automatically open in Firefox (and have you tried another browser such as Chrome to see if it is also affected) and redirect to various URLs. I have found some information that is pointing to redirects to pages under the following domains:
Do any of these look familiar?
Either way I would suspect that you have on your system a non malware program that we term a PUA or Potentially Unwanted Application, and for starters you should check the Add/Remove or Uninstall Program Control Panel applet to see if it lists any applications that you do not recognise/that look suspicious and uninstall them.
But having said that and if you are unsure as to how to go about this this please open the support ticket as suggested by Sherry, and the Support Team will be able to investigate/resolve the issue for you.
Hope that helps?
Regards, Baldrick
