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Endpoint Summary Report

  • 19 April 2021
  • 2 replies

Previously, I’d call in and request the Endpoint Summary Report for all sites. This would allow support to provide me with a report showing a complete list of all endpoints (deactivated or not) and the full details of all of these endpoints, and the sites they are associated with. Going forward, they are no longer able to provide this report and it is not a default template within the Universal Report Tool. I am looking for anyone who is able to provide me with a report template that provides the above listed information. If possible, also to have this listed all within one excel sheet. An example of the columns found in this report is as follows:

SiteName UnitEx hostname groupname firstseen lastseen agentversion licensekey devicemid instancemid vm agentlanguage policyname lastinfected internalip macaddress addomain adou wrkgrp curuser mac windowsfullos lastpublicip unknownsever unknownslastscan friendlypcname deactivated dateofchange

Hey there @KPaul ,

I’m going to ping one of our product experts to see if he knows of an existing workaround to achieve what you’re looking for.


@dstokes1  - Do you know of a workaround that would meet this users’ requirement?

@KPaul Our Unity API (what you used for running Universal Reporter) can also have customized PowerShell scripts run against it to pull the information you’re wanting to see...that is how many of our partners pull reports for their purposes. There is a previous Community post that has more information about how to do this:  

