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Getting Webroot registry key access error while installing SQL server deatures

  • 16 May 2022
  • 4 replies

I am getting below error while installing sql services on my windows server 2016 machine.

(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp: Sco: Attempting to open registry subkey {145996FC-8E6B-47AB-BEA5-A84F12B72AF5}
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp: Prompting user if they want to retry this action due to the following failure:
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp: ----------------------------------------
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp: The following is an exception stack listing the exceptions in outermost to innermost order
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp: Inner exceptions are being indented
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp: 
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp: Exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.Sco.ScoException
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:     Message: 
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:         Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:     HResult : 0x84bb0001
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:         FacilityCode : 1211 (4bb)
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:         ErrorCode : 1 (0001)
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:     Data: 
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:       WatsonData = Uninstall@{145996FC-8E6B-47AB-BEA5-A84F12B72AF5}
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:       DisableRetry = true
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:     Inner exception type: System.UnauthorizedAccessException
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:         Message: 
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:                 Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:         HResult : 0x80070005
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:         Stack: 
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp:                 at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.Sco.InternalRegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String subkey, RegistryAccess requestedAccess)
(13) 2022-05-16 05:19:09 Slp: ----------------------------------------



This is requesting read-write access on registry key but we are not able to grant the requested accesses as we are running webroot agent.

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4 replies

We’re having the exact same error trying to patch SQL 2008R2 running on server 2012R2. Same exact registry key. I’ve tried disabling webroot, checked permissions, and generally been beating my head against the desk since last Thursday trying to do this during off peak hours.


Any chance you were able to get past the error? Any helpful ideas?


Thank you!

I did finally bulldoze my way past this, simply uninstalling Webroot.


We’ll see if it makes it back on this server after I’m done patching. 🙄

Badge +1


I have an issue with installing 2012 64 bit SQL, the error I get is:
“Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation”.

The media I’m trying to install is:

I don’t have this issue with:

SW_DVD9_SQL_Svr_Ent_Core_2012_English_MLF_X17-99682 (Without SP)

I tried setting the policy as silent audit, or unmanaged and unticked everything and it still had an error. Only when I uninstalled webroot does it install properly.


Hi everyone,

I have found a solution to this Webroot MSSQL installation issue and put it on a wiki page related to software we build in the healthcare space. You can find it here along with other MSSQL fixes:

Hope it helps!