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Installing endpoint security on top of f-secure

  • 27 August 2012
  • 2 replies

I read in the commercial info that endpoint security can be installed on top already installed safeguards. The FAQ in this thread talks about malware protection only though. Anyway since I am evaluating endpoint security, I left F-secure/2012 installed, which is also nice in case I am off-line, I think.


Having both installed, I had trouble with Firefox. I could not logon to one of my bank accounts, using FF, win 7/32. What happened was that the click on the logon button was registered (dimmed) but no logon. Using Chrome I could logon.

Apart from that I also got a false positive detection error from F-secure regarding WSA


So I decided to continue the trials without an already installed package (but kept windows firewall of course)


=== edit, removed the screendumps from my cloud

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Interesting. It appears F-Secure may have WSA flagged as a bad app. The best way to deal with that is to contact F-Secure to have them correct that. Unfortunately, we can't help it if other trusted system protection software mistakenly flags us as bad. All we can do is make sure we are compatible with them and don't do that to their software.

If you choose to "allow the application" on that screen from them, do you receive subsequent errors? Also, was the error before or after the bank account issue? I'm curious because if you hadn't allowed WSA through F-Secure yet, that may have been where your issue was occurring.
Userlevel 1
Badge +10
Yes I realize this would be a case for F-secure. I decided though to uninstall FS, because I suspect allowing to stack security tools is so new, that most vendors will recommend to remove one. Even though some like Webroot 'stack' on the windows firewall, I believe.
Unfortunately I do not remember whether the Firefox issue was before or after allowing WSA to execute.
