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No Help Yet

  • 13 July 2014
  • 4 replies

I keep asking for the problem to be fixed here   and all I keep getting is my "old" key extended, and "not" the actual problem fixed. I really don't have time for this. Either somebody correct the error/bug, or I'm looking forward to another company to do buisness with. Can I get the highest manager please? I'm ready to throw in the towel if this get yet another extension. I don't want sorry's , or free hand outs. I'm just looking to continue like last year....without any major problems, and I don't have to bother you with this matter again. Last but not least if this gets fixed, and it's another repeat next year then I'm done. What 's the point of 5 days extra here, 30 days here etc. Roll everything over to the new key code already. I have everything backed up.


Good Luck!

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
@ wrote:
I keep asking for the problem to be fixed here   and all I keep getting is my "old" key extended, and "not" the actual problem fixed. I really don't have time for this. Either somebody correct the error/bug, or I'm looking forward to another company to do buisness with. Can I get the highest manager please? I'm ready to throw in the towel if this get yet another extension. I don't want sorry's , or free hand outs. I'm just looking to continue like last year....without any major problems, and I don't have to bother you with this matter again. Last but not least if this gets fixed, and it's another repeat next year then I'm done. What 's the point of 5 days extra here, 30 days here etc. Roll everything over to the new key code already. I have everything backed up.
Good Luck!
Hello and Welcome @ I'm by all means not an expert and I've seen this post for a day now and all I can think to do is to ask @ if he can esculate this to the Support Team.
I am very sorry you are having this problem and hopefully it can be resolved quickly for you! 
EDIT :DOur Staff won't be in untill Monday Morning....
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Sorry we haven't been able to get this resolved for you.  I'll put in an escalated ticket to get you some help.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
I just heard back from support that they've replied to your latest email, so check your inbox for an email from them.  Let me know if it doesn't show up, in case it gets caught in a spam filter.
Back again for the same exact reason. It's unbelievable how this keeps repeating itself every year. I use thee  same exact console with the same exact computers under the same email, and why is it so hard after entering the "new" key code all my computers disappear from the console, and yet ---->  did nothing again after explaining this was a repeat of last year. Could somebody get a manger who knows what they are doing fix this please, and thanks.
