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Need help downloading the paid version!

  • 16 March 2013
  • 8 replies

I have downloaded the webroot mobile secure anywhere app using a number of different ways including using the following address either from my PC or through the webroot secureweb app: after several uninstalls and re-installs, the webroot mobile app still refuses to accept my email/password combo. Both the webroot on my PC and the webroot secureweb app on the cellphone are OK with the email/password combo.Each time I say "add a device" on my PC, it shows me the page that tells me to download the app. I have repeated this many times over the past 4 hours to no avail - and yes I uninstall first each time. Any suggestions please? What other way can I download the paid app that would recognize the keycode and the email/password combo? Thanks in advance!

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Hello User and welcome to the Community!
In the Console, click on your email address at the upper right.  On the drop down, click Manage Users.
Look over the access permissions for the email logon you are using on the mobile version, and make sure that Mobile Security is set fo Access.  If it is set to No Access, that is the problem.  Click the person avatar at the far right of the list and when the edit user page loads click the Access & Permissions tab.  In here you can set the mobile, and other permissions for that logon.
If this does not help, hopefully someone else will have additional ideas, or you can Submit a Trouble Ticket
Good luck, and let us know if this works!
Userlevel 7
In the area David just specified, please also grant yourself access to Backups and Passwords, because those are both features in use in the Complete version, which is what you have. Granting access to those options should resolve the situation. Please let us know. 🙂
Userlevel 7
Thanks Jim!  I kinda should have thought of those two huh?  :S
Userlevel 7
@DavidP wrote:
Thanks Jim!  I kinda should have thought of those two huh?  :S
They should really trigger themselves on account creation, but we've noticed that it seems sometimes they don't.  Hopefully, in the future, the access will default to being turned on when the account is created in all cases.  On this particular account, I checked to see, and both options do not have access granted.  So that most likely accounts for the trouble signing in.
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
They should really trigger themselves on account creation, but we've noticed that it seems sometimes they don't.  ......
Ah, I see.  Thanks for the info on that.. makes sense, and knowing that helps troubleshoot things a bit too 🙂
Thank you! Alas it was already set for Access. When I look at the Manage Keycodes, it has my Secure complete which allows for 5 devices, but it also has two Android Editions which I assume are the free ones. maybe if i got rid of those...(it doesn't allow me to delete however, just upgrade or renew)
So sorry I only saw the first response. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! It now works and started screaming nonstop because I misplaced my phone a few days ago and sent numerous signals for it to scream. Now that it's connecting, it's finally got all those signals. Unbeknownst to me my phone had not been communicating for 2 weeks so the last update information was old, but without a time stamp, i did not know; there was no history either. It's a good lesson although I hope Webroot would take my suggestion and put a time stamp on the last up date. Again, I thank you so much! 
Userlevel 7
Glad that it is up and working!
