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Please tell me want I need to download onto my Android phone for webroot security anywhere mobile.

  • 30 October 2014
  • 6 replies

Please tell me what I need to download on my mobile phone for webroot protection. On the webroot website it shows my phone as being protected but do I need to download something from google play onto my for protection. If so please provide me with the instrucutions.   Thank You

6 replies

Please tell me what I need to download on my mobile phone for webroot protection. On the webroot website it shows my phone as being protected but do I need to download something from google play onto my for protection. If so please provide me with the instrucutions.
Moved to the original post: In the future please, there is no need to cross post to multiple boards, we will find it  :)
Please tell me what I need to download on my mobile phone for webroot protection. On the webroot website it shows my phone as being protected but do I need to download something from google play onto my for protection. If so please provide me with the instrucutions.
Moved to the original post: In the future please, there is no need to cross post to multiple boards, we will find it  :)
Userlevel 7
Badge +3
Hello LVMAN167,
Hope this helps: Which Android Version Do I Download? - Webroot Community
Any questions, please ask.
What do I  download on my mobile phone for protection from google play, what keycode do i use ? please send instructions. On the website it lists my phone as protected, but what do I put on my phone to know for sure it is protected. Thank You
Userlevel 7
Please refrain from creating additional posts with the exact same question.
As noted above by Dermot, there is an article meant to help with this located HERE.
If you have problems following that chart, please tell us exactly which version of Webroot you are using on your computer and we will go from there.
Thank you.
Userlevel 7
Badge +3
All the info is here: Which Android Version Do I Download? - Webroot Community
If there's something there you're not clear about, please let us know.
