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Tablet Erased by Robot

  • 1 February 2015
  • 3 replies

I have an Irulu 9 tablet that was working fine until yesterday. When I turned it on, and waited for it to warm up, I noticed a green robot - similar to R2D2 with the word ERASING with activity bars moving below it. I did not have Webroot on the tablet, but it is on my desktop.


I shut it down as quickly as I could, but I'm now unable to accedd the Internet.


My problem: I may have made it worse - but since I was unable to connect to the WiFi, I elected to reset the tablet to factory defaults and even erased the SD card of data that I had stored there.


Now when I try to connect, it is able to connect to my WiFi, but apparently immediately disconnects when I select the browser. Thus, I am unable to reach the manufacturer home page or Webroot to download and install a virus checker.


I would appreciate any help you can offer.



3 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi Al_Davis
Welcome to The Community Forums.
I am no Android user but what you are describing as a little green robot that looks like R2D2 sounds very much like the Android which case it sounds like you activated something within Android that then actioned the delete.
Well, my suggestions would be to attempt the 'hard' or factory reset again, and see if that works successfully this time.  If you need guidance on this I would take a look at this page on the littlegreenrobot website and that may give you some options to consider.
Regsards, Baldrick
Baldrick, thanks for the info. I feel a little better knowing the problem was my fat fingers hitting the wrong key and not some malware that I chose to download. I tried the quick boot in the article you recommended and now I believe the remaining problem is related to my in-house WiFi. For now, I will consider the problem resolved.
Userlevel 7
Hi Al_Davis
You are most welcome.
Further to my post I did some checking and can find no reference to Android-related malware that behaves in the way that you described...that may be because I missed it but most likely there isn't any...but just to be sure keep a weather eye on your installation and anything that does not seem normal.
Regards, Baldrick
