Yesterday, both of my Android phones had foainting/transparent/Webroot banner / pop -up. I thought it was a Webroot Update Reminder.This led to a message that said “Product Tampering,,Security Risk, Download from Google Play Store.But is no Update for phones on Play. IHas someone hacked my phones or is this some sort of idiot spam from an idiotic Bad Actor ? I have received mocking messages from BAs in the past that were nothing once I talked about the FBI 's site and here is your Proxy Address, here is what domain it is maintained in and here is what Nation you come from, here are your GPS coordinates, etc. I have opened a Support Ticket with WB. How do I get rid of this floating icon if everything is okay ? I am VERY security Cautious!
Finally, what is everyone's opinion on WB's VPN ? I do not use a router or modem to get WI-FI and I may try to use a third party route to get Ethernet.Thank you ...