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invalid credentials? strange error message on my evo

  • 15 March 2012
  • 3 replies

invalid credentials? strange error message on my evo
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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hello mwneetz and welcome to the Webroot Community Forums! It would be best to contact support by using this link and they will be happy to help you! Submit a Support Ticket
Userlevel 7
Hey, TH, they are always absolutely welcome to ask here.  Especially when the question and answer don't have to be customized or any private information involved.  The forums are watched more hours of the day and the answers can benefit others with the same problem. :)
mwneetz, the error message you describe can come from lots of different sources, and most of them are not the Webroot app.  We'll need more details!  So, what exactly happened, when did it happen, and what were you doing when it happened?  Or, what did you expect to happen that didn't happen?  The more details you can give, the more easily we can help you.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hi Kit, yes I understand as the OP didn't give any info my first response was for them to contact the support inbox! I will keep that in mind for future reference!