Can't turn off Webroot.

  • 13 February 2014
  • 7 replies

Hi, I have been recently noticing my Task Manager showing my disk use is 100% and in red.
I click on it to see whats using up the disk the most and it shows Webroot SecureAnywhere, I tryed to end the task and it didnt stop.
I also have "Allow Secure Anywhere to be shutdown manually" Checked in.
How do I shut down webroot secureanywhere? I finally gave up and went to these fourms, I cant have 100% disk usage on this all the time.

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Sorry about that - doesn't sound like normal behavior.  You should be able to turn of the software from the icon in the system tray.  If you right click on the W icon and click on Open, it will open up the console where you can adjust the settings and turn features on and off.  I would be interested in having support contact you though, as the disk thrashing shouldn't be happening.  Would you be ok with that?
Userlevel 7
Hi Xenion
If you want to shutdown WSA completely (not advised but sometimes useful for a 'reboot', i.e., close it down and the restart it immediatley afterwards) should righ click on the system tray icon, select 'Shutdown Protection', confirm that you want to shutdown Webroot, enter the CAPTCHA code presented to you and that should do it.
But remember that if you do then unless you have another security app running you are unprotected for as long as WSA is I would restart it by cicking the desktop icon, and then check if you are getting the same symptoms of 100% disk usuage.
Userlevel 7
Nic, you are quite correct that the disk trashing is uncommon behaviour but I am wondering if it could be due to an untrusted/unknown app, which has disk intensive activities is its own right but that is then being journalled by WSA due to its unknown security status?  A delve into the ProgramdataWRDATA folder might be revealing, especially if there are any large db[numbers].db files present, with a current date last modified?
Just a thought/possible avenue of exploration.
Userlevel 7
Baldrick has a good point: identifying just what exactly is using the space instead on Webroot in general would be a good idea. This will sound like an old horse, but there is always the possibility that a clean re-install would help if there happens to be a component not functioning as intended.

Also, the used space may very well be the result of the monitoring and associated roll-back ability. I may be mistaken, but there may be a way to force an end of monitoring certain files/processes and allow the removal of the storage associated with it.

As this is a Security suite, disabling it would defeat the purpose and for that reason, unless I am mistaken, not actually possible for any length of time.
Userlevel 7
Badge +35
What you're seeing is not normal behavior. Please submit a support ticket so that we can look over your logs and investigate this further.
Sorry for the super late reply, My computer has been acting freaky recently I just want to remove this from my computer period. But I will try to do what you guys said.
In the mean time just explain how do I remove this program.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Add/Remove Programs and uninstall if it's not listed do this via the Command Prompt:
"If someone can't remove WSA because it's not listed in Programs & Features or All Programs use this in the Commandline or Run Dialog: "C:Program FilesWebrootWRSA.exe" –uninstall  making sure that it is run in an elevated Command Prompt/Run as Administrator!"

