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Has anyone heard of a new scan for this any another virus....Shellshock?

  • 26 September 2014
  • 1 reply

I have been unendated with posts from PC World about this "new" virus/treat called ShellShock. Has anyone heard about this as well and what about scans to check and fix?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
@ wrote:
I have been unendated with posts from PC World about this "new" virus/treat called ShellShock. Has anyone heard about this as well and what about scans to check and fix?
Hello RAG1095,
Welcome to the Community Forum,
Here is the Security News posted by Jasper_The_Rasper about this Shellshock
There's information from  (by Jasper)
And here's a comment from akim (Moderator) We are pleased to say that we have verified all Webroot servers were not susceptible to this vulnerability, but were properly patched to the current version of Bash anyway.
Then you can contact our Support Team
Let us know if you have anymore questions,
Best Regards,
