lost webroot

  • 10 April 2016
  • 2 replies

Why did my Webroot program just disappear? I had to down load it again.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11
Hey there Chuckak51500
Welcome to the Webroot Community
If you need to re-download webroot please follow these steps:
If you are saying you had to purchase another copy to resolve this issue please contact support through either means below:
Support Number: 1-866-612-4227
Support Ticket: https://detail.webrootanywhere.com/servicewelcome.asp
Best of luck
Userlevel 7
Hi Chuckak61600
Welcome to the Community Forums.
This has been known to happen occassionally, and itis believed to be down to Windows. Have you just updated to Windows 10 by any chance?
Regards, Baldrick
