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Webroot extensions in Google Chrome have corrupted. Re install of extensions does not fix them.

  • 12 September 2016
  • 28 replies






28 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +7
That is the fix.  Runs like my Rolex (imaginary).  So thanks there ??.  I have become dependant on it for search results in Google and missed it when it was not working.  I also feel better about having it in Firefox as it monitors Yahoo search results.  I personally would never trust anything Yahoo without it.:D
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
No, one needs to down load them from the Google App store as Google have apparently tighten up once again on extensions and their provenance with the release of Chrome v53.
@, would you, oh most excellent Community Manager, be in a position to provide some guidance on this subject? ;)
Regards, Baldrick
If the installs from the Chrome store don't work then go ahead and contact support.  Since this is a new requirement from Chrome we're still gathering data for the cases where it doesn't work, and support has some things for them to try that I'm not up to speed on yet.
Userlevel 7
Will do, Nic...thanks for the tip. ;)
