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webroot toolbar not installing in firefox or chrome

  • 13 April 2014
  • 3 replies

tried all work rounds for this, reinstaller webroot a few times, tried toolbarfix various times, toolbar does not appear in the toolbars list in firefox, would the fact I am running Lastpass as well have any infuence on things. getting a bit frustrating

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi stewart45
Given that the Webroot Password Manager is a licensed version of Lastpass...there may be something in that assertion.  If you have tried everythig that has been suggested then all I can suggest is that you Open a Support Ticket and get the experts to take a look.
Alternatively, you could try uninstalling Lastpass and thentrying to install the Webroot Password Manager, having backed up your Lastpass data of course.  My guess would be that this is your issue.
Let us know what you decide.
Yes Lastpass is the problem, uninstalled the Lastpass toolbar from Firefox now webroot toolbar installs and runs fine
Userlevel 7
Hi stewart45
That is really good to hear...glad that we were able toget to the bottom of this finally...hopefully you have been able to export what younalready had in Lastpass and then import it into Password Manager?  If you have not,but want to, and håe not yet seen this KB article then please do so, as it should help/be very useful.
Let us know if there is anything else we can help with.  :D
