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Webroot VPN

  • 2 February 2019
  • 7 replies

Hi there,

How does that with Webroot VPN work?

Does it need to get bought separately or is it in any package included?

Thank you,

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi Annabel

Welcome to the NEW Community Forums.

The Webroot WiFi Security (VPN) product is a standalone product and therefore, as far as I am aware currently, will need to be purchased separately to WRSA.

Regards, Baldrick
FWIW ~ this page offers stand-alone and package
Userlevel 1
Badge +3
Hi there,
Thank you for the info.
When I understand it correctly an anti virus software like webroot complete version isn't enough to protect my data on mobile phones and laptops?
I am using a shared office space where the Internet connection is supposed to be secure - not a 100% convinced about it.
Just trying to understand when a vpn makes sense and is necessary.
Thank you
Please review:
Userlevel 7
Hi Annabel

If you are connected to a private network, like your own at home, that sits behind a router then in most cases you should be fine with WRSA (it has come out top in comparative tests related to safe banking online and the like).

Of course, if you want extra privacy then you will need to use a VPN, even with your own private network.

However, in terms of any connection on a public or shared network, then you have heard correctly and if you want assured privacy for any information you may be entering whilst connected then you most definitively will benefit from/need to use a VPN.

In your case I would advise on using a VPN for anything done online related to personal or confidential information.

Hope that helps?

Regards, Baldrick
Userlevel 1
Badge +3
Hi Baldrick,
Many thanks for all the info provided!
I got the vpn trial now!
So far it seems to be working without any issues!
The pricing was a bit confusing for me as I am going to be billed monthly post trial version.
Need to change that and also my payment option. Should go through a different account.
Thank you,
Userlevel 7
Hi Annabel

Glad to be of assistance.

In terms of your 'issues' re. the post trial billing I would, closer to the end of the trial, contact the Sales Team (US - 1-866-350-6089 / UK - 0800 804 7014) and they should be able to help you get that right.

Regards, Baldrick
