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PC agent release notes for version

AGENT CHANGES IN BUILD -  October 20th 2014


Version (Released October 20th, 2014)


  • Further scan engine improvements.
FYI Webroot does not update its installed version or install date in the Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel on any of my clients.  They all report 8.4.123 or 8.4.131, depending on whatever version was first installed.


WIndows 7 Pro SP1 .
Let me check and see what is going on with that.  Have you talked to support yet?
I believe I mentioned this on the phone when troubleshooting the upgrade issue but I cannot be 100% sure.
So it looks like the version number doesn't update on the client in add/remove programs, due to the way the update process works - it will always stay at the originally installed version.  If you look in the console it should show the correct version number on the clients.  Let me know if that shows up properly.
Why not just have it update the version number and install date? It's a simple registry key, located here:


Otherwise it's showing incorrect data, which is misleading. We like to keep our console disabled and icon hidden and are left without a way to determine the current version.

All the update process needs to do is make a few simple registry changes and the bug will be fixed. Every other program I've ever dealt with does this correctly.
Yeah, good point - I'll pass this idea long to the devs.
@ wrote:

So it looks like the version number doesn't update on the client in add/remove programs, due to the way the update process works - it will always stay at the originally installed version.  If you look in the console it should show the correct version number on the clients.  Let me know if that shows up properly.

In our network the date and version number are getting updated; at least on my client and a few servers, which I've checked.
Interesting.  I've checked 5 PCs now and have seen the following (with all reportedly auto-updated to 134)...


hey @,


although the version number and install date is correct in our deployment, I noticed that the size of the installation is different on every endpoint. In my case it's only a few KB, but yours differs in over 300KB...
